Chapter 26 Couture

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(Lucy's POV)

A few months have passed. Wait....its almost been a year since I was sitting next to Natsu in that private jet.

We've been together for so long, but we aren't an item yet. I mean, ever since we agreed to start over, we're best friends. It's a great start, but....I'm not sure if he still has feelings for me.

Anyways, the premiere of How to be a Superhero is today!! The producers who made the premiere happen gave me and Erza two tickets each. One for me, the other....I don't know.

"Hey, you should invite Natsu," Erza smiled.

"Eh?!" I exclaimed,"I mean..... we're just friends, why should he be my date to the premiere?"

"Mhm," Erza smirked,"Just consider it, okay?"


I sat alone in my apartment, fiddling with the two tickets. Invite Natsu....? Would he take it as a romantic gesture...? I don't even know. Should I? No....yeah....I can't make up my mind! You know what, I'll just do this the old fashioned way.

I got up and grabbed a coin. Heads, I'll invite Natsu. Tails, I'll invite Levy. I flipped the coin using my thumb, and it spun in the air. I caught it, and smacked it on my arm. I uncovered my arm.


I have to take Natsu now.

(Natsu's POV)

I was finally done doing a bit of advertising. I was near Lucy's apartment, so why not go over there?

"I'm home!" I exclaimed as I opened the door.
"This isn't your home, Natsu," Lucy smiled,"Anyways, welcome back."

I took a seat in front of her,"Thanks. And I heard your premiere is this weekend?"

"Yeah. Speaking of which," she handed me a ticket to the premiere,"I had one extra ticket...and I didn't know who to give it to. But then luckily I thought of you."

"Oh," I stared at the ticket, then looked up at her with a smile,"Thank you, I'll really look forward to this! I mean, I get to see my rising star in her own movie!"

"Hehe," Lucy smiled back, cupping her own cheek,"I should thank you."


"For everything. Without you, or Gus, I wouldn't be acting by now," she paused before speaking again,"This is incredible. This is my dream! I just- thank you."

"You're welcome. But....even if Gus or I didn't know you, your dream would still be accomplished. Because you're talented. Even in modeling," I took out a rolled up magazine that was in Lucy's mailbox and placed it on the table. It was Sorcerer Weekly, the cover was Lucy and Mirajane together.

Lucy's tone shot up,"Where did you.....?!"

"Your mailbox."

"Don't act so casually about it! You...." Lucy clenched her fists. Shit. "You idiot!!!" Yup, she punched me.

(Lucy's POV)

Well. I have nothing to wear at the premiere. But with the money I earned from acting, I can at least buy one dress. Hmm...I do need someone to help me....

"Let me come with you, Lucy!" Natsu smiled.

"Alright, but don't be too pushy this time," I sighed as we walked outside my apartment.

There was a formal clothing shop that I spotted. The dresses were amazingly beautiful and just the right price for me. I stared at all the pink ones, the color really did suit me.

"Oooh!!!" Natsu looked at the men's section. I just paid attention to my own shopping.
In the end, I picked a black dress. (Lucy's Leo Star Dress in the manga. Aka the picture for this chapter) It was strapless, and the drapes of it was cut a little, making it show my leg. There was a yellow ribbon wrapped around the waist. And between the breasts, there was a pendant. It came with separate black sleeves, and a black flower-ish pin.

I really wanted to try it on, and I looked for Natsu. We spotted each other, both of us had one outfit in hand. We ran to each other at the same time.

"Isn't this great, Natsu?"
"Isn't this great, Lucy?" We said in unison. Noticing we said it at the same time, we laughed a little.

"Anyways, Natsu, what do you think?" I held up the dress.

"I love it. It even matches mine," Natsu held up his black suit, with yellow stitches here and there, it matches mine.

"Let's go try it on."

(Natsu's POV)

I was already done changing, until Lucy came out in the dress.

She's....she's beautiful.

"Awe. No tie for me to fix?" she walked up to me.

I shook my head, smiling, I was still checking her out. "We're definitely buying this. I mean, we can see our matching outfits in the magazines! How cool would that be!"

"Yeah. It would surprise everyone. From our fake fight to this...." Lucy then turned to the mirror, placing her hair into a bun.

"Uh huh. And Lucy?"

"Yeah?" I stood behind her, and sighed.

"Sorry. For lying about our whole scandal on television. You probably saw that on TV."

"Don't be sorry. You had to, for the people and those judgmental freaks."

" sound like you don't forgive me."

"Well I do," she flashed me a smile through the mirror, and turned towards me,"I'm not mad about it."

"Okay. But when should I actually tell the truth?"

Lucy shrugged, and then she laughed,"If the tables turn and we actually get married, you should tell them." Lucy then twirled around in her dress,"Like we'll actually get married," she mumbled to herself, giggling.

I awkwardly laughed with her,"I doubt that would happen. Heh."

Hm....Lucy and Natsu did not just say that, did they.
If they actually get married, then they're in for a ride.
Find out if they actually get married if you keep reading My Beloved Fake Wife!

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