4. Operation AxH!!!

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Akaashi POV
(In the morning)

Bzzzt~ Bzzzt~ Bzzzt~ Bzzzt~

I turn off the alarm clock and reluctantly get off of my bed. "Another day of school," I mumble as I stretch myself and yawn. I've been getting used to this house once I moved in with my father and without noticing it, I had gotten used to Haruka's loud mornings. This is probably the first time the alarm clock was the one to wake me up and not the person herself.

I go into the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth without Haruka banging on the door for her turn. After that, I get myself ready for school and change from my pajamas into my school uniform without Haruka yelling that it's time for breakfast. In my mind it's like I'm missing something this morning...I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's strange that I had gotten used to this lifestyle in only a few weeks.

I put my tie on as I walk down the stairs and hear someone in the kitchen. I walk down a little faster to see if it was Haruka, but it wasn't. "Good morning Mrs. Akiyama," I greet my step-mom and scan the area to find the kitchen and living room empty.

"Keiji, there's no need for you to call me Mrs. Akiyama. I'm your mom now, so don't be so formal," she tells me with a sweet smile that always makes me think how a kind person like her can be the mother of Haruka.

"I'm sorry. It's out of habit," I apologize and sit at the kitchen table. "Itadakimasu," I take my chopsticks and neatly eat the omelet that she made for breakfast. The omelet she made tastes delicious and I finish it in a few minutes. "Thanks for the meal."

"It's not a problem," Mrs. Akiyama smiles as she takes my plate away.

"Is Haruka going to have breakfast today?" I ask her as I think about the girl who would have been sprinting down the stairs rushing to eat her meal.

She giggles hearing my question. "Haruka's really devoted to volleyball. She's having an early practice for the team today. She didn't want to wake you up so she quietly got ready and left," she answers and my eyes widen. I didn't think she could ever be quiet. She was considerate enough to not wake me up. "But I'm glad you're still home," Mrs. Akiyama tells me and hands me a bento. "Haruka rushed out of the house and she forgot her lunch. Is it okay if you can give it to her?" she asks me.

"Of course," I take the bento from her and head out the door. Once I'm out of the house, I sigh to myself as I stare at the simple bento. I'm not going to give this to her during class. It's only going to lead to misunderstandings with the people around us. I'll figure something out. I head to Fukurodani Academy for the new school day.

Bokuto POV
(At school - Starting Operation AxH)

"Yukie, Kaori! How are things looking with Haruka??" I say through a walkie talkie as I head into the second year building with Komi and Konoha.

"Everything is fine. Haruka just finished her volleyball practice with her team," Kaori answers and I can hear munching sounds coming from the walkie talkie.

"Yukie don't eat on the walkie talkie! I bought these with my own money!!!" I shout into the walkie talkie and Konoha covers my mouth.

"We're trying to not attract attention, so please calm down," Konoha shushes me and I pout.

"Bokuto, I didn't know you would be so desperate as to buy walkie talkies. We could have used our phones to communicate instead," Komi points out.

"...That's true," I say with a blank expression realizing that I killed my cash. "...But it wouldn't be a spy mission without a walkie talkie!" I loudly declare and Konoha shushes me again.

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