"I'm um." I bit on the inside of my cheek.

"Bitch if you don't say it already." Mel rolled her eyes.

"Chill out, don't disrespect her like that." Robyn said.

Even when she's mad at me, she won't let anyone disrespect me. It warmed my heart, making it easier for me.

"Robyn, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so, so, so, sorry." I sniffed. "I love you more than anything, but I'm scared to lose you." I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks.

I'll blame the hormones.

"What is it baby?" Robyn was up on her feet and soon wrapped her arms around me to soothe my cries.

"I-I'm almost 6 months ..... Pre-pregnant." I explained. 

She looked at me for a long time. I could imagine her mind working at overdrive.

"Whoaaaaa! Now I was not expecting that!" Mel laughed.

We all ignored her as our dramatic scene played on.

"You're 6 months pregnant. We've been together for a little over 5 months now. You got pregnant before we got together and you're just now telling me." Robyn frowned.

I shook my head. "Don't do that. Do not do that. I only found out about a week ago!"

"That's why you were 4 hours late.." Robyn mumbled.

"Yeah..." I sighed. "I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't want me being pregnant to ruin our relationship." I chewed on my lip.

"Don't do that." Robyn wiped my watery eyes then rested her hand under my chin and tapped at my lips. I released my lip and looked at her. "I love you. I'm sorry for overreacting."

"I'm sorry for waiting so long to tell you about the pregnancy." I looked away, embarrassed.

"I know a lot of ways you can make it up to me." Robyn smiled as she leaned in to kiss me. I immediately met her halfway and got lost in the feeling of her beautiful soft lips.

It had been forever since we had done something like this. All because I was too guilty and scared to let her touch me. I didn't want her feeling the swell of my stomach. Now, I was certain I wouldn't lose her, so she'd have an all access pass to every inch of my body.

Robyn dipped her tongue into my mouth and I moaned happily. I let my hands slide up and down the length of Robyn's lower back as she held onto both sides of my face.

"Um, excuse me..." Mel interrupted.

"Dammit Mel leave them alone." Bey responded. "Let them have their moment."

"Ah shut up, I got one important question before I let them get all lovey dovey, heart eye emojis." She waved Bey off.

Robyn sat down on the couch and pulled me into her arms. I snuggled close to her, loving the feel of her around me.

"I know I'm not the only one in this room wondering this soo," she cleared her throat. "You know who ya baby daddy is?" She questioned.

The guilt I thought had left made itself present at this moment.

"I um... I do." I chewed on my lip.

"That's great, who is it?" Mel pushed.

"You don't have to answer that Jhene." Robyn noticed my uneasy look. She rubbed my arms reassuringly.

I shook my head. "No.. I do. You deserve to know.." I gave her a quick kiss. "Um, Sean is my baby's father."

The room went deadly silent. I looked at Robyn to see the anger radiating off of her.


"Don't." She moved me off of her lap and stood up.

"Robyn... Where are you going?" I asked.

"Get some fresh air." She shrugged her shoulders before grabbing her keys and walking out the door silently.

I bit my lip also standing up.

"Uh uh." Mel shook her head. "You might wanna have a sit and call ya friend."

"Oh god." I pulled out my phone and dialed Sean's number.

God, please don't let Robyn kill Sean.


😭 Uh oh.

I don't have any questions.

Let me tell y'all a little secret. *leans in* Y'all not gone like me much after this chapter 😂 Drama, drama, death, I mean um Drama 😶

I've already said too much 🙃 ✌🏾️

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