My friends stalker almost killed me

Start from the beginning

"(Y/n) what happened to you?" A chorus of question came from them.

"Let her rest for a little guys. Juvia almost killed her." Gray says setting me down on a bench.

"I'm ok, really." I give them s weak smile.

"I'm glad you're alive." Lucy throws her arms around me and pretty soon everyone joined in. What did I do to deserve such great friends?

"You got the pendulum?" I ask after they stop crushing me.

"Yes. We should head back to Magnolia before the sun sets." Erza instructs. I take my heels off and hold them in my hand as I walk next to Lucy. I stop when we pass by the shop with the necklace I spotted earlier.

"Isn't that necklace beautiful." I tell Lucy as I stare at it, hypnotized.

"Yeah. Are you gonna get it?" Lucy asks, also examining the necklace.

"Nah. I looked at it earlier and I figured 'Why spend money on a necklace when you can but more food with it?' so I didn't. I did spend a lot of money on food though. . ." I say sheepishly and turn towards the train station.

Once we get there I notice Grays missing.

"Hey where's Gray?" I inquired to no one in particular.

"He said he'd catch up with us cause he had to use the restroom." Erza responds. I nod as we board the train.

Natsu is dangling out the window of the train from his motion sickness.

"Natsu the train hasn't even started moving yet." I laugh and he turns green.

"I could take care of your motion sickness for you again." Erza suggests and Natsu vigorously shakes his head no.

"What did you do to him?" I ask.

"Erza punched him in the gut so hard he passed out." Lucy responds.

"Oh man. I guess that's a way." I say caught between concern and amusement.

Slight time skip

Back at the guild I walk up tot he bar and ask Mirajane for some water, despite how much I despise it now.

"Oh by the way, a letter came for you. Here you go!" She smiles and hands me an envelope that has nothing on it but my name is cursive writing.

"Thank you!" I say grabbing the envelope and my glass of water as I walk back to my seat. I open the envelope that has a tiny piece of paper in it.

"What's that?" Gray asks taking a seat next to me.

"I don't know. I just got it from Mirajane. I haven't read it yet." I say. I open the piece of paper.

"It's in a different language." Gray furrows his eyebrows but that's now what confuses me. I'm more confused that I can actually understand it.

"Yeah. . . It's Swedish." I say and Gray looks over at me with an even more confused expression.

"You can read that?!" He doesn't believe me and I nod.

"Yes. I can translate it. It says:

Hey (Y/n),

You probably don't remember me, well actually you probably don't remember anything about your past, but I do and I know how you can remember. Because of how intense breaking the spell will be I'll send you 4 letters, including this one, that will give you phrases to unlock pieces of your memories at different times. This is the first one:

As the moon rises"

"You know Swedish?" Gray stares at me, stunned but I'm to focused on the paper.

"Out of all that, that's what you choose to ask?!" I turn to him. "Should I see if it works?"

"Do you want to remember your past?"

"I don't know. . . I'm gonna do it."

"Eftersom månen stiger."

"Did it work?" Gray asks waving a head in front of my face but he sounds so muffles, so. . . distant.

An intense pressure builds in my head, making me squeeze my eyes shut and hold my head.

"Hey are you ok?" It's barely audible now. I open my eyes and try to grab Gray so I don't fall and hit my head on the hard floor below but my whole body is numb and I can't tell if I'm moving or not. It looks as if I'm looking through a straw, everything is so far away from me. Gray grabs ahold of me right before I hit the ground and calls for help. That's the last thing I hear before my whole vision goes black.

Hey guys! Sorry the chapter is so short. I wanted to stop it before she gets her memories since that will take almost a whole chapter in itself. I chose Swedish as the language she knows because I'm currently learning Swedish (along with Japanese) and I'm pretty fluent in it so I figured it would just make sense that I use it here.

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