First Attack

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~No One's POV~

"It's been two days. It's to boring here." Naruto complained while every hung out on the docs. "Has there been any attacks since we've been here?" Tsuki asked out of curiosity. "Now that you mention it, there hasn't. Maybe they know about us and are laying low." Kakashi thought out loud. "Then let's provoke an attack." Gai suggested with a grin. "That might be the only option we got of catching who ever or what ever is behind, or at least give us a start on this whole mess." Kurenai sighed.

After they had come up with a plan, they had the girls go into the ship's cellar. "Alright, this whole attack thing is stupid and not happening. Coast is clear!" Then everyone did a transformation jutsu and transformed into royal looking people before using a transformation jutsu on the ship so that it looked like a royal ship. The girls transformed into princesses and walked out of the cellar. "Are you sure we won't get attacked?" Hinata asked in her fake voice. "Yes princesses, the coast is clear." Gai bowed. "It is nice to not have to worry." Tenten giggled.

Now, it was just a waiting game. "You really think this will work Kakashi sensei." Tsuki whispered to her sensei as she sat on the deck. "If they are after goods then it should." He replied. "I highly doubt they are this stupid though." Tsuki sighed as she looked around for any signs. "Who knows, you'd be surprised at how much greed can blind a person." Kakashi said wisely. Tsuki was about to say something but a disturbance in the water stopped her. "Guys, I think they're going to attack. I feel something big in the water." Tsuki's demeanor changed when she went on guard. The water before them started to bubble violently before a huge head rose out of the water. 'That's your head Suirō.' Tsuki chuckled mentally as she saw a copy of Suirō before her. 'But that's not me. You better get to the bottom this kiddo.' Suirō told her as he watched from within her. "Oh my god, it is real." Kurenai gasped in awe. Tsuki wanted so badly to scream at them that it wasn't, but then she'd be questioned to no end.

"Turn the boat around! Tsuki, help propel and steer the boat clear from here! Everyone else, fend off any attackers!" Kakashi took command as everyone dropped their transformation jutsu, pointing as he told everyone what to do. Tsuki twisted her hands around, making the water turn the boat around. She then threw her hands up in the air and threw her hands forward, creating a huge wave that carried the ship away from the fake leviathan. The leviathan disappeared and the water in front of them bubbled violently as the leviathan appeared before them. 'Okay, something seems fishy.' Tsuki thought as she turned the boat a different direction, only to have the same thing happen. "Kakashi sensei! New plan?!" Tsuki shouted in a worried voice when she couldn't shake the fake leviathan. "Tsuki, buy us time!" Kakashi told her. Tsuki nodded and encased the ship in water before solidifying it into ice. The fake leviathan attacked the ice shield but failed to break through it.

Everyone gathered at one spot on the deck. "What do we do now? It pops up where ever we go." Sakura asked. "We need to hold it back while Tsuki gets the ship to safety." Kakashi said, looking back at the sea serpent. "Us jounin will hold this thing off as long as we can. Tsuki, you get this ship away from here, we'll catch up when we think you are far enough." Asuma told everyone. "But what about you guys? You guys can't possibly hold of a beast like that." Ino worried. "Don't worry about us, just stick stay on the ship no matter what." Kurenai told them. "Aw come on! Let us have some action too!" Naruto complaining. "No Naruto! Our decision is final! This is no time for you to play hero!" Kakashi half shouted at him. "But-" Naruto started but Kakashi cut him off. "No buts Naruto. I will knock you out if I have to if it means keeping you on this ship." Kakashi threatened. Naruto remained quiet after that. "I'll give you guys some help once I break down this ice orb." Tsuki told them. "No, you steer the ship." Kakashi said sternly. "Just trust me Kakashi, I have tricks up my sleeve." She smirked.

"Alright, on the count of three." Asuma said, looking around at everyone who gave him a nod. "One," Tsuki started cracking the ice orb, "Two," she shattered the orb, "Three!" The jounin charged at the fake leviathan and attacked it, keeping it from reaching the ship. Tsuki quickly bit her finger and summoned a water dragon, "Help out the jounin and take them back to the ship when they are ready." She commanded it. The dragon nodded his head lightly and swam over to the jounin while Tsuki created huge waves that carried the ship away from the battle.

Tsuki motioned for Sasuke to come over once she got the ship far enough from the battle. "I'm going to investigate tonight, I found it weird that it didn't chase after us the first time we tried to get away. Did you noticed how it disappeared? It didn't swim to the other side it appeared like a short teleportation jutsu. I'm going back there tonight, I have to figure out what is going on." She told her brother. "Alright, just be careful alright?" He sighed, knowing that it was pointless to try to convince her to not investigate on her own. "Don't worry, the water in my home." She chuckled.

"Thank you for the help Tsuki." Kakashi thanked her as they boarded the ship. "But since when could you summon dragons?" He asked her. "A while, I just never did it before because it took up to much of my chakra." She shrugged, dismissing the dragon. "So what's our next plan sensei?" Ino asked Asuma. "To be honest, we're going to have to talk it over. If we were facing just some people then that'd be simple, but we're up against a legendary beast. You guys keep watch while us adults talk this whole issue over." Asuma told everyone before going down to the ship's cellar. "They never let us have any fun... Well I don't care what they say, I'm going to do things my way." Naruto grinned, walking away from the group. "Damn it, Sasuke keep him here." Tsuki hissed, grabbing onto Sasuke's arm. "Be back here as soon as you can." He told his sister who nodded in reply.

Neji watched and followed Tsuki as she snuck away from the group. 'What are you up to? What are you hiding?' He asked himself as he secretly followed Tsuki. He watched as Tsuki snuck to the back of ship. Tsuki looked around a bit to make sure that no one followed her. 'Give me a shout when the jounin are back.' She told her brother through their mind link. 'Alright, try to be as fast as you can, I can hold Naruto off but I don't know how long I can stall the jounin without them thinking that something is up.' He told his sister. Tsuki jumped over the rail and dove into the water. 'Alright, let's get to the bottom of this.' She thought as she swam back to the site of the attack from earlier.

'Ey kiddo, over there.' Suirō pointed out. Tsuki swam over to where Suirō told her to swim to. 'Well, well, what do we have here.' Tsuki mused as she inspected the markings at the bottom of the lake. 'Suirō, do you know what this is?' She asked her beast. 'It enables teleportation, and it lets people expand their transformation jutsu. You remember what Naruto and that toad did right?' 'Yeah?' 'That seal lets someone do that with a huge animal basically.' 'Well that explains a lot. Now who's the culprit is the other question.' Tsuki thought as she continued to swim around to see if she can find any clues.

Tsuki was about to investigate further but Sasuke called her back, 'Get back here ASAP!' 'Tsk, damn it.' Tsuki cursed as she turned around. 'Suirō, let me borrow your tail, pweeeease.' She chuckled sheepishly. Suirō's tail grew out of Tsuki's lower back, enabling her to swim back to the ship faster. 'Where do I go up?' She asked her brother as she floated below the water's surface. 'The back, hurry.' Sasuke rushed her. Tsuki resurfaced and jumped aboard the ship, then she silently rejoined the others. "Ah there you are Tsuki." Kakashi looked at her. "Sorry, I wasn't feeling to well so I went to lay down." She lied with a smile. "Well, glad you could show up. We're just about to go over our little plan." Kakashi smiled under his mask.

"Alright, here's the plan: we are going to provoke another attack from the enemy, and this time some of you are going to scout the area. Is that clear you everyone?" Asuma told the genin. All the genin remained quiet.


Sorry if all this is crappy I just don't want to get everything done and over with so soon

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