Chunin Exams pt 2

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It only about 10 minutes before everyone was seated. My whole team is scattered, Sasuke was at the opposite end of the room from me, Sakura is way above me, and Naruto is way down near the front. I was next to some creepy grass ninja. 'That guy next to you, something about them is... I don't know... That person is not normal.' Suirō told me, and to be honest, I really did get a bad vibe from the person. "Alright listen up! First part is a written exam, there are 10 questions to this test, your task is simple, answer the questions on the test. But no cheating. If any of the proctors see catch you cheating then you and your team will be disqualified. The 10th question will be presented at the end of the exam. Am I clear!?" Everyone replied with  a 'yes sir' before the test started.

'Suirōoooooo.' I whined after I read through the questions. 'Really? This is basic shiet.' 'Noooooo, it's hard. For a 12 year old mind, this is to much. For an old fart like you it's not.' 'HEY!' A shot of pain ran through my body, making me wince slightly. 'Sheesh, sorry sorry.' I apologized. 'Hmp. You better be kiddo. Now, the answer to number one is...' I got the test done in no time. 

Wonder how Sasuke is doing. 'Hey nii-san, you doing okay?' I asked, doodling on the back of my paper. 'This test is impossible. But, I figured out what they want.' 'Really?' My interest perked slightly. 'Yeah, they want you to cheat. Cheat, but don't get caught. It's just like in a mission how if you have to gather information, you have to do it covertly and not get caught.' He explained. 'That would make sense. Huh, never thought about that... Oh well, I just asked Suirō and he gave me the answers. Heh.' I smirked, going back to doodling. 'Well then missy.' Sasuke snapped back. 'Want help?' I asked. 'Nah, this guy in front of me has the answers and I'm going to copy his movements. Thanks for the offer sis.' 

45 minutes later the test concluded. 'Finally, I was bored out of my mind.' I groaned mentally. 'Meh,' Sasuke chuckled mentally. "Alright, before I announce the final problem, those of you that I want now then raise your hands." Ibiki told us. I watched as the teams headed out. 'Oh crap! Naruto! Oh man you better give up now Naruto.' I thought as I watch him jitter in his seat. 

Naruto raised his hand up in the air. 'That f*cking idiot.' I gritted my teeth as I watched him. Then, Naruto slammed his hand onto the desk and stood up. "Don't underestimate me! I don't quit, and I don't run! You can act tough all you want, but you guys aren't going to scare me off! No way! I don't care if I do get stuck as genin for the rest of my life! I'll still be Hokage some day!" He shouted. 'Hm, kid's got gut. He has no idea what's going, but he's still going for it.' Sasuke smirked. 

"Well then, if no one else is going to drop then I guess there's only one thing left for me to do." Ibiki closed his eyes for a second before opening back up and looking at us. "You all pass the first exam." No offense, but... What the f*ck just happened? "Whoa, wait, hold on. What just happened? What you mean we passed? Where's the 10th question!?" Sakura half shouted. Really? Sakura we passed, just leave it at that. Ibiki smiled and chuckled, "There never was a tenth question. At least, not a written one. Your decision was the tenth question." Then he proceeded to explain how the whole point of the first nine questions were to test our information gathering abilities.

The glass on the window shattered and some woman with purple hair swooped into the room, pinning a banner up with some kunais. "Heads up peeps! No celebrating just yet! I'm your next proctor! Anko Mitarashi! Got it?! Good! Follow me!" She fist pumped the air. "You're early. Again." Ibiki peeped out from behind the banner. Anko blushed as she chuckled nervously. 'Great, a crazy nut case like Naruto.' I thought.

Once we were dismissed, Sasuke and I started making our way home, but Sasuke got ambushed by his mob of fangirls. 'Have fun nii-san.' I chuckled as I walked away. 'How could you do this to me! Your own flesh and blood! How could you!?' He said in a dramatic tone. "Hey you." A familiar-ish grabbed my attention. I turned around and see the boy with long brown hair, "Oh hey you, sorry I never got your name." I blushed, looking down at the ground. "Neji, Neji Hyuuga." He smirked. "Did you need something? Or is it just a coincidence that you ran into me?" I giggled. "I don't know." He smirked back smugly. "Walking home?" He asked, walking up to me. "Yeah." I smiled. "You head that way?" He asked, pointing in the direction where my home is. "Yeah, you?" He smiled and nodded. "I'll walk you." Giggling, I began walking with him next to me.

"You related to the other Uchiha boy?" He asked as we walked. "Yeah, he's my older twin." I answered. "Why'd you decide to tell me your name huh?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Uhm well my brother was being mean so I thought giving you my name would make up for it." I giggled, looking up at him. "All is forgiven." He chuckled. "I've seen how you look at Hinata. Is there some bad blood between the two of you?" I asked. "I rather not talk about that, it is a touchy subject." He replied. I hung my head slightly, feeling bad about asking him that. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to, if I knew I wouldn't have asked." He chuckled at my response. "It's okay, don't worry," he stopped at the Hyuuga compound gates, "Well, this is where we part I guess. Hopefully I'll be seeing more of you around. Good bye Tsuki." I blushed and muttered a 'good bye' before continuing my way home. 'Wonder if Sasuke is alive.' I pondered as I walked.

It was quiet when I got home, and I don't know if that should be a good thing or a bad thing. All of a sudden, the lights came on and Sasuke was sitting in front of me in a chair. Cliche, I know. "And where were you? That was an awfully long walk home imouto." Oh boy, not this. "Sasuke, I'm growing up, and you can't play father." I said, placing my hands on my hips. "What were you doing? I have the right to know, I am your brother." He said with a blank face. "Sasuke, I-" Before I could say anything he cut me off. "It was that Hyuuga guy wasn't it? Huh?!" "Sasuke why are you acting like this!? This is ridiculous!" I shouted back. "Because you're my sister and I care about you. I don't want you going around dating because you'll just end up getting hurt! I'm just looking out for you!" "Honestly Sasuke, I'm growing up, you're growing up. You are being over protective, not looking out for me. I have to learn things for myself Sasuke." Sasuke groaned and ran a hand through his hair. "You don't get it, you're only going to get hurt and I don't want to see you like that." Sasuke grasped my shoulders lightly and looked at me in my eyes. "Listen, I'm sorry I over reacted. It's just... I feel like I'm losing you. I don't want to let you go. At least, not yet." He pulled me into a brotherly hug. "I'm sorry for how I reacted. Yes I was with Neji. Sasuke, you don't have to let go of me, ever, just give me some slack. I'll always be your sister Sasuke." I smiled, hugging him back.


Okay last chapter for the day xD

Thank you again for your support I really can't express how thankful I am really

How do you feel about it being a Neji love story hm?

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