Round 2

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The next few days while Kakashi sensei was recovering, me and --sadly-- Sakura watched the workers. Can't believe she beat Sasuke, he probably didn't take that nicely. "Hey Tsuki," she approached me with that 'I'm going to ask you questions about Sasuke' face. "Busy, shoo." I turned around and jumped into the water to avoid her. 'You're not a frog kiddo, you can't just dive away from your problems by jumping in the water.' Suirō laughed. 'I can run away from that problem using this method though, she's to worried about her hair to jump in, plus I can't hear her from down here.' I chuckled, swimming around a bit before getting out. I waved my hand over my body, starting from my head down to my toes, and the water fell off of my body. 'Man I love that trick.' I smiled, heading back up to the bridge. 'I taught you that trick.' Suirō reminded me. 

I avoided Sakura throughout the rest of the time, well I tried to. Like honestly, do you have any idea how annoying she is!? Sasuke this, Sasuke that, blah blah blah. Like oh my gosh shut up, like I'm his sister and I don't know he does this or that, well maybe I do but ya know what I mean. Like I pay less attention to him than you do! Soon, work hours were over and the two of us went back to Tazuna's house. "Where's Naruto and Sasuke?" Sakura asked half way through dinner. "Out training." I answered after I swallowed the food in my mouth. "Never mind, they are at the front door." I said. Seconds later the front door opened, revealing the two goofballs with their arms around the other's shoulder, supporting each other. "We did it." Naruto grinned, throwing his free arm in the air, sending himself and my brother down to the floor. "You idiot!" Sasuke groaned. Giggling, I helped the two up.

~Next morning~

"Man, I hope they finish that bridge soon." I stretched as me, Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi sensei made our way to the bridge. "If things keep moving at this pace then it should be done soon." Kakashi replied with his face in that perverted book of his. 

The sight  that we arrived to was not a pretty one, everyone was on the ground either groaning or passed out, and hopefully none are dead. "What happened!? Someone was here and they got to them!?" Tazuna shocked voice broke the tense silence. And cue the mist. Yep. Here we go. Again. "Everyone get ready." Kakashi told us. All of us formed a protective circle around Tazuna with kunais in hand. "I knew he was still alive. He just couldn't wait for round two." Kakashi said, disbursing the mist around us a bit. "It's Zabuza isn't it sensei? It's his hidden mist jutsu isn't it?" Sakura's annoying voice pointed out. "No it's his ghost that's come back," my sarcastic voice mused, "Of course it's him idiot." I snapped. 

Zazbuza's laughter rang throughout the area, "Sorry to keep you waiting Kakashi. I see you still have those brats with you. That's boy is still trembling, and I see that you still have the Leviathan with you." Tsk. Zazbuza's water clone surrounded us, giving us a very slight scare, then Zazbuza's voice cut through the mist once more "Or did you not know Kakashi?" 'Shut up shut up shut,' I thought about what I wanted to say to Zabuza. "I'm trembling alright? Trembling with excitement." Sasuke smirked. "Go on Sasuke," Kakashi smiled at him. "Tsuki, care to accompany me?" Sasuke smirked towards me. "My pleasure brother." I smirked. The two of us took out all of Zabuza's water clones in a fraction of a second. 

The moment I felt Zabuza's chakra escape the water, I immediately took control of the water that I could, which was most of it. "Impressive. You've improved. I expected no less from the Leviathan. Well Haku, seems like you have a rival or two." Zabuza told the masked boy next to him. "So it seems." Haru said. Sasuke and I looked at the boy. "Nice trick you all pulled back there. Probably not the first am I right? Some nerve you got showing up and hiding our face behind that mask." Kakashi said. "Like you're the one to talk Kakashi sensei." I mumbled, staring down Haku with my brother. "We got dibs on him. Who does he think he's fooling by hiding behind a mask like some kind of clown." Sasuke said. "Oh Sasuke, you're so cool." Sakura gushed. "Didn't- you know what? Never mind." My eye twitched.

Haru started spinning and appeared before us and attacked. He tried to stab us with a senbon needle but we blocked it with a kunai. Sakura and Tazuna backed up to the entrance of the bridge while Sasuke and I fought Haku. "You're making a big mistake. Give up and I'll let you go." Haru told us. "Not a chance." Me and Sasuke said at the same time. "Fine. Your death wish." With that, ice mirrors started to form from what water I couldn't control due to remains of chakra in it. Then, Haku sank into a mirror and his image appeared in all of the mirrors. 'Uhh Sasuke. I think we just got ourselves into deeeeep crap.' I gulped, looking at all the mirrors, trying to figure out which held the real one. 

Kakashi rushed towards us to try to get us out of there, but he got stopped by Zabuza. "Now. Let me show you what speed is." Haku's voice echoed. "Nah!" Sasuke grunted as a senbon needle scratched his shoulder. He let out another small cry of pain as another graze his side. Bad part was that I could feel half of his pain on top of my own pain from the needles that hit me. But Sasuke also felt half of my pain so meh. It sucked for both of us, only reason why I hate this connection that we have sometimes. 'I can harden your skin if you want kiddo, his needles are useless against my skin.' Suirō told me. 'Gee, that'll be nice to have right now Suirō.' I said in 'no duh' tone.


Tis up peeps till next time ta ta thanks for supporting I love you guys

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