Under Kakashi's Mask :o

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~Three Days Later~

Naruto finally returned to the village with out new Hokage and Jiraiya. Tsunade healed Sasuke and he finally woke up. "Nii-san," I pulled him into a hug, "I was so worried." "Ugh, he didn't hurt you did he?" Sasuke groaned, returning my hug with a weak one. "No, he tried to but he didn't for some strange reason." I answered, pulling back. "As long as you're safe and unharmed." He smiled weakly. "Now when can I get out of here?" He chuckled. "As soon as you can walk." I giggled, getting off the bed. Sasuke tried to get up but fell down to the ground. "Jelly legs huh?" I laughed lightly, helping my brother up. "Here, I'll just sneak ya out." I giggled, opening the window and jumping out with Sasuke's arm around my shoulder. 

"So what were you up to when I was out?" Sasuke asked as I made dinner for us. "Uhh nothing much, swimming, training," I drawled, trying to hide the fact that I went out with Neji for two out of the four days that Sasuke was out. "Dating," the word left Sasuke's mouth, catching me off guard, "Tsuki, I'm your twin. Plus, next time you might want to hide the jacket that does not belong to me or you." Sasuke held up Neji's jacket. I chuckled sheepishly as I remembered our little date yesterday. It was just a simple little date, we got some ice cream in the evening and watched the stars at the top of the Hokage mountain, and it just got a little chilly. I got a little cold, so Neji gave me his jacket that he was wearing. 

I didn't realize that Sasuke was saying my name, since I was so lost on my thought, until he shook me. "Huh? Wha?" I jumped slightly. "Tsuki, tell me everything." Sasuke demanded, swinging the jacket back and forth. "IwentonadatewithNeji." I mumbled really quickly. "Hm?" Sasuke smirked, leaning in closer and holding his ear closer to me. "I said: IwentonadatewithNeji." "Can't hear you." Sasuke's smirk widen. "Come on, tell me who I have to kill." Sasuke joked. I pouted and slapped his arm. "Neji... Neji Hyuuga. I went on a date with him. Well two dates." I blushed as I thought about Neji. "Tsuki, relationships are going to do nothing but hold you back. But, this is what you want then that's fine with me. Just make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. I don't want to have to go to jail for killing Neji when he breaks your heart." Sasuke said, pulling me into a hug. "Now, I'm going to go burn this jacket." He nodded, turning around and walking away. It took me a minute to let what he said hit me, "Wait! No! You can't do that!" I ran after Sasuke and snatched the jacket from him. "Took ya long enough." He snickered, heading back to the kitchen. 

-A week later- 

"Hey guys, haven't you ever wondered what Kakashi's face looks like under his mask? I think it's time, to see his real face." Naruto grinned mischievously, holding a flashlight under his face and popping up in front of Sakura, getting clocked by her. "What's wrong with you!?" She shouted after she punched him in the face. We all just got back from our mission of walking dogs and were just hanging out. "How come I have a feeling that this isn't going to end well." I sighed, rubbing my temples. "This is lame, you can count me out. We finished today's mission, I'm out of here." Sasuke said in a bored voice and walking away. I agreed with my brother and followed him. "What if he has lips?" Naruto's voice made Sasuke stop mid-stride, along with me. "Like a blimp." I heard Naruto snicker. Then Sasuke imagined Kakashi taking off his mask, revealing huge ass red lips. 'You had to share that with me!?' I shouted at him, trying to get the image out of my head. 'I ain't going down alone.' He chuckled before he started swaying back and forth. "Or maybe bucked teeth." Naruto continued. 'Nii-san, I swear if you-' before I could finished he showed me his image of Kakashi with squirrel teeth the size of half his face. His own imagination sent shivers up his body.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." I muttered as we walked to Ichiraku's with Kakashi. The others invited him to ramen in hopes of seeing his face when he eats. Sasuke, being the oh so loving brother that he is (note the sarcasm), dragged me along. "Well this is out of the ordinary for you guys to treat me like this." Kakashi said as we sat and waited for our food. "I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed on me today," he looked over at my brother, Naruto, and Sakura who sat to his right, "If you know what I mean." The three went wide eyes and leaned away from Kakashi sensei. Then, he narrowed his eyes err eye into a slit and stared them down, "You guys are up to something." The three started shaking. "W-w-w-w-what are you crazy?!" Naruto stuttered nervously. "Kakashi-sensei, please, you just got out of the hospital." Sakura chuckled nervously. Watching all this unfold was so amusing to me for some reason.

They watched Kakashi from the side of their eyes as he reached up to his mask. I busted out laughing when Ino, Shikamaru, and Chouji pounced on Sasuke out of no where, blocking their view from Kakashi. I managed to see Kakashi face since I was sitting to his left, so I wasn't caught up in that whole mess. When the six where done fighting, Kakashi had already finished. "Huh!? So fast!" Naruto shouted. "Huh? Something wrong?" Kakashi glanced at them. 'Man, I can see why he wears that mask. If I was around his age I'd totally hook up with him.' I thought when I saw his face. 'Ewwwwwwwww, you are nasty kiddo.' Suirō groaned. 'Hey, I said if I was around his age. I like Neji.' 

After that fail, they continued to scheme. Of course, I took no part of it because I already saw his face. Sasuke tried to pry it from me but I refused to let him see. They all took turns stalking Kakashi as he went about his life after each mission. Oh, did I mention that this lasted for a good few days. 

While I was on a date with Neji, without Sasuke's knowledge, I saw Sasuke stalk Kakashi sensei. I rolled my eyes at the sight. "What is your brother doing?" Neji asked as he saw Sasuke sneak by. "He's being an idiot along with my other team mates. They're trying to find out what Kakashi looks like under his mask." I answered Neji. "Aren't you curious?" Neji questioned as we walked around in the forest. "Nope, 'cause I already saw it." I snickered. "Really? How? Do tell." Nevi's interest perked. I told him about the whole Ichiraku's fiasco when we were sitting at the top of the Hokage mountain watching clouds together. 

"Hey Tsuki?" Neji grabbed my attention. "Hm?" I turned my head to the side and looked at him. "I know this is kind of fast, but, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me while blushing slightly. I giggled at how cute he looked. I struggled to get the three lettered word out of my mouth. My heart beat so fast and hard that I swear it was going to to explode; the butterflies in my stomach made me feel as if I was going to throw up if I opened my mouth. Neji looked nervous and worried as he waited for me answer. "Yes." I said faintly as I nodded. 

Little did I know, Sasuke had switch to stalking me and Neji when he passed us. I only found out when he accidentally let it slip that night when I asked him what he did today. I scolded him for doing what he did. 

The next day, we went on a mission on a nearby village. Where they continued to try to get Kakashi to take his mask off, but they still failed.

"I can't believe I'm related to you." The corner of my mouth and eye twitch as I saw their latest plan. Some how they manage to steal some other ninja's outfits and dawned it themselves. They were planning on pretend to be some attacking ninjas to something. What ever it was, I am so glad that I am no part of it. I went out to the farm to help Kakashi with the task that we were given. "Where are the others?" Kakashi asked me when I showed up alone. "Being idiots." I grumbled. 

I wanted to face palm myself when I saw them. Kakashi quickly tied them up and held them over his head with one arm as three ninjas, wearing the same outfits that my idiot team mates were wearing, jumped out of no where. "That's funny, I was wondering when you three were going to reveal yourselves." Kakashi mused, placing Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto down on the ground. "First things first: Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto. Why on earth are you dressed like that?" He questioned the three. Sakura pulled her arm out and pointed a finger at the three grown up ninjas, "You fools! You fell right for our trap! We've known all along that you were targeting Kakashi sensei!" I swear, that adult ninja is a bigger idiot than my team mates because they fell for Sakura's fib.

Kakashi easily beat them and tied them up, hanging them from the roof. 

At the end of the day, when we were making our way back to the village, Naruto asked Kakashi what he had under his mask. I laughed my ass off when Kakashi led them on, making them think that he was going to show them what's under his mask, only to pull it down and revealing another mask underneath, crushing their high raised hope. 


Going to bed, nighty night

My Other Half (Sasuke's Twin Sister)(Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें