Run in With Itachi

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I still can't believe that the Hokage was dead. "Ready?" Sasuke asked as he stood by the door. "Yeah." I replied softly. Sasuke and I are going to meet up with Sakura and Naruto, and we are all going to the funeral together. 

Everything was gloomy and dark. Even the heavens weep. The Hokage was always there for me when I was little, well besides my brothers. Even when he was busy he let me hang around his office until my parents came to drag me back. 'I hope you find peace on day.' I thought as I placed my white rose down among the other white roses. 

~Time skip a week~

After a week the whole village was back to normal, the only problem we had now was to find the new Hokage. "Tsuki come on, Kakashi wants to meet us." Sasuke rushed me, making me roll my eyes. 

The two of us met up with Kakashi, but he rescheduled for some odd reason. "Something's not right..." Sasuke said as we were walking to the training ground. "It does seem odd for him to do something like that huh?" I kicked a pebble. "Let's go find him." Sasuke said, turning around to go the other way. Sighing, I turned around and followed him to where ever. 

The two of use burst into the room. Every jounin that we knew were surrounding a bed with Kakashi in it. "What happened?" Sasuke asked, glaring at everyone slightly. I was to shocked to say anything. Not many people can take out Kakashi like that. Everyone remained silent, which made me worry more. "Is it true? Itachi is back?" Some ninja barged into the room. Kurunai face palmed at what came out of the guy's mouth, I would understand why, I would do the same thing. 

Sasuke took off the moment he heard Itachi's name fly out of the guy's mouth. "Idiot." I sighed as I took off after my brother. "Nii-san wait up!" I shouted as I was catching up to him. Sasuke abruptly stopped, making me run into his back. "No, you're staying here. I don't want you to get caught up with any of it, I don't want you getting hurt." He said, turning around and pushing me back. "You can't baby me all the time Sasuke, I'm growing up as well. I'm going to fight by you whether you like it or not." I said sternly, shoving him back. "Why can't you just listen?" He sighed. "Because Sasuke, I'm not that helpless little girl whose brother had to protect anymore. I'm a ninja just like you, I'm pretty much your equal. I want to help you fight. I want to fight by your side. I want to prove myself to you." I said. "You don't have to prove anything imouto. I guess I'm still just over protective of you like I always am." He sighed, pulling me into a hug. Then he pulled back and gave me those rare smiles, "Let's go after him. Together." Smiling, I nodded and the two of us headed off.

We arrived at a small town and started asking around a bit but got no answers. "We must have missed him." Sasuke seethed through his teeth. "No, I have a feeling that he's here." I told Sasuke when I couldn't shake the feeling off. We continued to search, and five minutes later we finally found them.

Itachi was standing there with Naruto and some blue shark looking like guy. "All these years, I've fostered my hate, and now I can carry out my revenge." Sasuke glared at Itachi as he charged up his chidori, "It ends here!" Then he charged at Itachi. "Die!" I was shocked to see Itachi deflect his attack so easily. "Sasuke!" I shouted out of worry as I charged at Itachi, aiming a kick at his head. Itachi snapped Sasuke's wrist and reached up and grabbed my leg and threw me against the shark guy who caught me. "Keep her out of this." Itachi told shark guy. Shark guy grabbed my wrists and held them behind my back with one hand. "Damn it, let me go shark face." I struggled, raising my foot up in attempt to kick any part of his body only to have him block it with his foot. "Damn Itachi, your sister is a feisty one." He chuckled, tightening his grip on my wrists. 

I couldn't do anything but stand there and helplessly watch as Itachi and Sasuke fought. "Itachi please! Stop!" I cried as Sasuke continued to get banged up by him. I had to bite my bottom lip in order to keep myself from screaming due to the pain when Itachi put Sasuke in his tsukiomi. I quickly replaced myself with a water clone jutsu and charge at Itachi. I sent some ice shurikens at him, making him move out of the way in order to avoid getting hit. I stopped the shurikens before the hit Sasuke and sent them towards Itachi again. Reaching out, I caught Sasuke as he was falling and set him down on the floor against the wall. "You really shouldn't have interfered Tsuki." Itachi said in my ear before yanking my head backwards using my hair. I quickly shut my eyes, refusing to look into his, fearing the same fate as Sasuke's. "You should have hated me Tsuki, but you're the only one keeping him anchored. Why don't you hate me? I killed everyone, slaughtered them like animals." He said in a monotone voice. "Because I can't, I don't believe that you did all that just to test your powers and limits. What you told us that night is bullsh*t." I bit back, grunting a bit when he yanked my hair more. "What if that was the truth? I would never lie to you and Sasuke." He continued. "I know there's more behind it. Once I find out the truth then I'll decide for myself." I seethed through my teeth. "They will tell you what I told you." Itachi said. "I'll figure things out myself nii-san." I hissed, reaching up and trying to pry his hand off.

I felt the ground beneath me soften and Itachi's presence disappear. "You can open your eyes now." Someone told me, but I wasn't going to take my chances. "Tsuki, it's okay really." I heard Naruto's voice. Slowly, I opened my eyes. "What the heck..." It just slipped out of my mouth when I saw my surroundings. It looked like I was in someone's stomach. "Don't move." Some old guy told me. 

Once everything was back to normal, I found out that the old guy was Jiraiya, who is a perv by the way. Then Gai showed up after everything was over and decided to take Sasuke back. I went back to the village with him to take care of Sasuke while Naruto and Jiraiya look for Tsunade.


sorry if its not good

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