Earth Style

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'Ey kid get up.' Suirō woke me. 'Uhgm what? Let me sleep man. I don't get to sleep all day like you.' I whined back, refusing to wake up. 'To bad, we need to get you to Mt. Ryu for your training.' Suirō told me, sending me a kick in the butt. "Owie, fine fine. I'm up." I groaned, dragon myself to the bathroom to take a quick shower before eating some breakfast.

Once I was done with my breakfast, Suirō had me draw this circle of symbols on a huge scroll. 'Okay, now sit in the middle of it and run your chakra through it.' He told me. I sighed and did as I was told. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe, running my chakra through the scroll. I felt the air around me change after a little while. I opened my eyes and find myself in a luscious green valley filled with flowers and trees. "Wow, this place is amazing." I gasped in awe, taking in the view of the place. "Nice place huh?" I heard Suirō's voice behind me. I turn around and see him standing in front of me. "How? You're inside me though? Unless... Am I dead?!" I started freaking out. Probably stupid of me but hey. "No you idiot, look at your chest." I tilted my head down and looked at where the seal is on my chest and saw a string of chakra of some sort connected from me to Suirō. "So technically I'm still connected to you." Suirō chuckled. 

"Now come on, we gotta go find that little trickster." Suirō muttered. "Trickster? Really? I am no trickster, sure I can be mischievous but that doesn't mean I am a trickster." I sweet voice giggled. "Gaia, get your little ass out here." Suirō said in an unamused voice. "Aw you're no fun Suirō," the grass in front of use started to rise and form into a dragon (pic above), "But then again, you never were. Thought you got locked away." The dragon raised her tail up and tickled Suirō's nose. Irritated, he swatted her tail away with his. "Well well, what do we have here? Been centuries since we've had a human here." Gaia bent down to my level and placed her head on the ground with her snout inches away from me. "Hi there I'm Tsuki, uhm Suirō said that you could possibly help me." I said in a soft voice. 

Gaia stared into my eyes for a while before replying to me, "I will help you little one, I see a lot of potential in you. But, I will not go easy on you, the next three weeks will be nothing but sweat and blood. You better slack either. We'll start tomorrow." And with that, she disappeared into the ground. "Alright kiddo, let's head to the ocean so I can train ya bit." Suirō said, leading me to the ocean side. "Alright, it will be a lot easier since there's actual water to use and you don't have to summon it from no where, we'll get there when you have more chakra." He told me. 

By the end of the day, I had learned five new water style jutsus. I returned home and slept for the rest of the day and night after eating some food and visiting Sasuke in the hospital.

~Next Day~

After I had woken up and did my morning routine, I left a note for Sasuke telling him that I'd be gone and all that. I returned to Mt. Ryu and went to find Gaia to start my training.

Once I found her, we started with basic stuff like connect to the earth, feel the earth, and yada yada yada. But after five hours, I still couldn't do a simple earth wall. Like I have no idea how this is so hard! "Ugh, for the last time. Think hard, strong, and tall." Gaia sighed as she waved a tree branch around with her tail. "I am. At least, I think I am." So far the only thing that I've been  making are little mounds of dirt every time I attempt the jutsu. 

By the end of the day, I was finally able to create a good size earth wall. Good size meaning a wall the size of me. "Kid, you need a bigger wall if you want to protect yourself." Gaia sighed. I groaned and kept trying until I passed out from exhaustion. 

I found myself pushing myself past my limit nearly everyday, I would practice then pass out.

~Time skip to finals (AN: TBH, I was way to lazy to type and think of fillers >.> sorry)~

I sighed as I looked at the full moon that was high in the sky. 'You'll do great kiddo, don't worry, I know you can do it.' Suirō assured me. 'Nii-san?' I asked Sasuke through our link. 'Imouto, now you talk to me? After all that time?' I could feel how upset Sasuke was. 'Sasuke, I'm sorry, I was to caught up in my training. Really, I'm so sorry.' 'Oh, so I wasn't important enough. I see how it is.' I can't believe he was pulling this again. 'Nii-san, I'm sorry. You are important, but I needed to get stronger. I can't rely on you all the time. I feel like a burden to you. You're always saving me, I feel like nothing to you.' 'Tsuki, don't be like that, I'm sorry. I just missed you, and I've been frustrated with myself.' 'I know, I don't blame you. I know how you feel. Well, good luck with what ever you're doing. I'll see you tomorrow big bro.' 'Alright, good night sis.' 'Night bro.' I made myself a sandwich before going to bed and sleeping the rest of the evening. 


Sorry it took a while and such school is getting harder and sorry if this is a short chapter

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