Chunin Exams pt 6

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I stepped in front of Sasuke as the snake lunged for us. I created an ice shield in front of myself to attempt to block the attack for Sasuke; I knew that there was no point, but I wanted to try. Ain't no way am I going without a fight. I closed my eyes and turned my head away. I braced myself for the impact that never came. "Huh?" I lifted my head and looked in front of me. I was shocked at what I was seeing in front of me; Naruto was standing in front of me, his back against the snake's snout. He had stopped the snake and stabbed it with the kunai that he had in each hand. He was panting really heavily, "Hey kid, you're not hurt are ya?" Then he looked up, passed me, at Sasuke. "You scaredy cat." He just totally quoted Sasuke from our first mission, which I found kinda funny ish. "Standing there like a frighten rabbit, no way are you the Sasuke I know. Besides, if you die now then who's going to be there for Tsuki huh? She needs her brother. She needs you in her life Sasuke."

I guess after hearing that Sasuke finally came to it. 

Then, the lady picked Naruto up using her tongue and put some weird seal thing on Naruto's stomach. 'Oh that has got to hurt.' Suirō groaned. 'What he do?' I asked out of curiosity. 'It disables the receiver temporarily and messes with their chakra control. That will also prevent the nine tail's chakra from mixing with Naruto.' He answered. 'Guess I should avoid that if he tries it on me huh?' 'Yeah, avoid it at all costs.' Suirō told me. Creepy lady tossed Naruto off to the side, letting him fall to his death. But thanks to Sakura's quick thinking, he survived. He might be pinned to a tree, but hey, he's alive.

The lady reached into Naruto back pouch and took our heaven scroll before focusing her attention to me and Sasuke. "Tsuki. Let's go." Sasuke said sternly, looking at me with his sharingan. "There's my bro." I smirked, activating mine. 'Go low.' Sasuke told me, pulling out some kunais. 

I charged at the lady, aiming for her legs with my ice shurikens. I drew out more water from the trees and had the water form a whip in my hand. I tried to get at her legs while Sasuke attacked from above.  'Damn it, she's to skilled...' I cursed to myself. Sasuke landed in front of her and I appeared next to him. The three of us engaged in a hand to hand combat, but the lady dodged and blocked every single one of our attacks. She started throwing punches and kicks back at Sasuke and I, but we managed to dodge her attacks. 

She ran around the trees at top speed, she was nothing but a blur; thanks to our eyes we were able to keep up with her. My brother and I stood back to back as our eyes followed the lady. 'Tsuki, snare her.' Sasuke told me. I waited until she landed on the branch that me and Sasuke were standing before drawing out the water from the branch and having it wrap around her legs, holding her down to the branch. Sasuke blew a medium fireball at her before blowing out a big one. I swear, he looked like some dragon while performing the last one. 

The lady managed to get out of my water snare and remain unscathed from Sasuke's fireball; she charged at us, making us jump back. 'What the f*ck?!' I screamed mentally. She slammed her fists into the ground, sending a gust of wind at us and breaking part of the branch off. Sasuke and I jumped to a different branch to avoid the attack. 'Alright, lets grab her, and take her down. Just follow my lead.' Sasuke told me, pushing off the branch and flying at her head on. I followed after him. Both of us grabbed her, knocking her backwards off the branch. 'Go back up there Tsuki. I got it from here.' I listened to my brother and jumped back up to where we were before.

I watched as Sasuke slammed her head down onto a thick tree branch. I jumped down and landed next to Sasuke. 'There's no way she can survive that.' I smirked. "Uhm the heck..." I muttered when I saw her body turn brown. "Substitution!" Sasuke shouted just before a wave of kunais hit us. We jumped back and off the branch, falling towards the ground. I reached my hand out and a tentacle of extended from the branch above me and wrapped around my forearm, swinging me around the tree trunk and onto the branch close to my feet. Sasuke landed next to me soon after. 

Then, out of no where, the lady attacked us. We were punched and kicked for a bit before she kicked us away from her. 'Just stay still.' Sasuke told me as we laid there. "What a disappointment." The lady sneered. 

There was a small boom and the lady stumbled past us onto the branch. Sasuke and I jumped up and jumped to a higher branch. Sasuke threw some shurikens with wire attached to them and tied the lady to the tree trunk. Then, Sasuke sent a dragon flame jutsu at her, hopefully burning her to a crisp this time. Like seriously, it burned through the tree trunk! Sasuke stubbled a bit when he stopped. "Nii-san." I steadied him while looking at the lady. "Take that b*tch." I spat.

My eyes widened when I saw her snap the wires and step forward. "No way..." I gasped in shock, I sent waves of ice shurikens at her but she deflected all of them. And the thing that made this whole thing more creepy was the fact that her face melted off. "Such mastery of your bloodline at such a young age," then her voice changed into a guy's voice, "You two truly are Uchihas." Okay, honestly, that she was a he this whole time? Da eff! "I think both of your eyes' are keener than Itachi's." Okay, that struck a nerve in Sasuke. "Who the hell are you!? And what do you want!?" He shouted at the pale man. "My name is Orochimaru, but as to what I want, that will have to wait until we meet again." He pulled out our heaven scroll and burned it in front of us before telling Sasuke and I what we had to do. Ain't no way I'm listening to this creep. "Why don't you just beat it! We'll never meet you again!" Sakura shouted.

"Oh but you will." Then he did some hand sign and his neck stretched out and his head shot towards Sasuke. Orochimaru bit Sasuke's neck. Soon I felt a wave of pain rush through my body. I collapsed down onto the ground along with Sasuke as he screamed in pain while clutching his neck. I couldn't help but grab that same spot on my neck as I felt an intense burning sensation at that area. "What is this?" Orochimaru mused as he looked at me. "What the f*ck did you do to Sasuke?" I snarled, glaring at him. "Oh, just a little parting gift." He chuckled creepily before disappearing. 

After a while, Sasuke stopped screaming and passed out. "Thank goodness that is over." I muttered, rubbing the spot on my neck. "Let's find a place to rest so we can tend to these two." I told Sakura, picking Sasuke up and putting him on my back. "Grab Naruto." Sakura nodded and did what I told her.

The two of us went down to ground level and found a place to hide and rest under some tree roots.


Alright gotta go to class peeps laters

My Other Half (Sasuke's Twin Sister)(Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang