Chunin Exams pt 10

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I looked at the fishes that swam around in the river and looked down at my stomach when it growled. Snickering, I held out my hands and brought them up, bringing up a blob of water with two large fishes swimming in it. I brought the water blob to the bank and disperse the water; I watched the fish flop around for a bit on the rocky ground before they died. "You feeling okay sis?" Sasuke asked when he came back. "Yeah." I smiled, picking up the fishes and staking them with a stick.

Sasuke lit the pile of dry sticks, and we set the fish over it to cook. "It's been 4 days, we're on our last day. We need to get a scroll tonight." Sasuke said as we sat around the fire. "I wonder how many team has gotten their scrolls already." Sakura sighed. "Our chances are low. I'm pretty sure by now most teams have both scrolls, and there's no sure chance that the next group we encounter has the scroll we need." I added. "The next group we face could be our last chance." Sasuke said, standing up with the water chug. "I'm going to get more water." He told us, turning around to head further up river where the water is more clean. "I'll go with you nii-san." I said, following after him.

~Sasuke's POV~

I looked back my sister who was in her own little cloud of thoughts. Sighing, I asked, "Orochimaru tried to give you a curse to huh?" My question seemed to snap her out of her little thoughts. She was quiet as she moved her hand up to her bandaged neck. Tsuki lightly nodded as a reply to my question. "Where is it?" I asked out of curiosity. "It didn't take hold, he tried twice but nothing. Apparently my body can't hold it." She answered, kicking some rocks around as we walked to the little waterfall. I stretched my arm out towards her to give her the other water chug, "Fill this up while I fill the other one up." She nodded and took the water chug from me and started filling it with the fresh water.

"What the fuck." Tsuki seethed through her teeth when we arrived back at the campsite. My eyes widen slightly at what I was seeing. Kabuto was crouching in front of Sakura and Naruto. Tsuki and I ran over to the three. "What the fuck you guys? We leave you for not even five minutes and this happens." Tsuki snapped.

Then Sakura and Naruto proceeded to tell us that they were going to open the scroll to see it's contents. "If I hadn't come along when I did then these two would have been goners." Kabuto said as he stood next to me. "Sorry you guys." Sakura apologized. Kabuto then told us about how the scrolls are protected and such and what happens if you open it. Then I looked at Kabuto with a cold look, "What are you doing here by yourself?" "Don't worry, I'm not after your guys' scroll." He assured us. "It would have been easy picking for you if you were." Tsuki said, crossing her arms and leaning on her right leg. "I don't need any scrolls really." He then proceeded to pull out his heaven and earth scroll, "I was just on my way to the tower to meet up with my teammates. So, if you would excuse me." He turned around to leave, but I stopped him and challenged him to a fight for his heaven scroll.

He rejected my little offer and offered to help us get our hands on a scroll. Left with no choices, we agreed.

Later that night, we walked around the forest near the tower. As we stood at our hiding spot, Naruto threw a kunai behind us, hitting and killing a gigantic centipede. "Ew." Tsuki shuddered. "Sorry, false alarm, just a centipede." Naruto said. "Just a centipede?" Sakura said in a grossed voice. "That thing is as big as a bus." She shivered. "Naruto, do us a favor and keep a low profile. The whole point is to keep ourselves hidden. If you go through the forest like an elephant you're going to attract everyone to us." Kabuto told Naruto. 'I swear, he's so clueless sometimes.' I sighed. 'No kidding. I don't know how he's going to survive missions. Scratch that, how are we going to survive with him?' Tsuki rolled her eyes.

Then, all of us split up to look for teams. Tsuki and I took to the river while Sakura went into the tall grass, and Naruto and Kabuto took to the trees.

After a while, we regrouped and continued to make our way to the tower. We walked past a team that hung dead on the tree branches. Of course Naruto, being the stupid idiotic klutz that he is, tripped over a wire that released a wave of kunais at him. Kabuto dashed in and took the hit, good thing it was a substitution jutsu. "Well, that was close, like I told you, it's only going to get worse from here on out."

We continued to walk for a while until Sakura collapse to the ground. "How far have we walked?" She panted. "Guys," Tsuki said, grabbing all of our attentions, "Look." She pointed at the centipede that Naruto had killed earlier. "What the heck?" Naruto exclaimed. "Genjutsu." I said while looking at the centipede. "Seems like we fell for it completely." Kabuto said, lowering his head a bit. "They were probably waiting for us to exhausted ourselves." Kabuto concluded. "Like how were are now." I pointed out.

Then, a crap ton of rain ninjas sprouted out of the trees around us and headed towards us. "Clones." Tsuki sneered, standing with her back to me with ice shurikens floating around her. "Well Naruto, you wanted a fight." I smirked. "Four against four, I like those odds." He smirked back. One of the clones laughed at us and said, "Like cornered rats." Naruto ran up to one and punched it, but then the part where Naruto's fist was turned into some weird black liquid. From the opening, another emerged with a double sided kunai. "What the heck, I just touched him and he turned to mud." Naruto said.

The newly formed clone turned around to attack Naruto with the kunai that it had. I activated my sharingan and threw shurikens at the clone's arm, cutting it off. Then, it turned to me and threw the other kunai that it had in it's other hand. "Down!" Kabuto half shouted, tackling me down to the ground, getting his shoulder grazed.


Here you guys go :D

My Other Half (Sasuke's Twin Sister)(Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz