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Okay so I'm changing things a little bit, I know that Kabuto quits but I'm going to have him stay in order to face Tsuki


Apparently to many people made it through so they had to eliminate about half of us through one on one matches with each other. Sakura tried to get Sasuke to drop out and that did not fly with him. "Alright everyone, the first match will be announced on the board!" The Hokage told us, directing our attention to the big screen above us. 

Tsuki Uchiha vs Kabuto Yakushi

'Why me? I don't want to go first.' I whined mentally. 'Hey, at least you get to get it done and over with.' Sasuke told me. 'I'll help ya out if you need me to.' Suirō's voice chimed. "Alright, everyone go up to the viewing area." The Hokage ushered everyone up there. 

Soon, it was just me and Kabuto down on the floor. "Well, never thought it'd be you." Kabuto smirked, pushing up his glasses. "I could say the same." I smirked back, trying to ignore the little spouts of pain from Sasuke. "Alright, the rules are you fight until the other person drops or forfeits. If I think that it's gone far enough then I will step in. Is that clear?" Our proctor, Gekkō Hayate, asked after he told us the rules. He looked back and forth between me and Kabuto. "Understood." Both of us said at the same time. "Alright then, you may begin." Hayate stepped back. 

We circled and stared at each other for a bit, neither one of us wanting to make the first move. 'Tsk, I don't think I'll be able to play defense if this keeps up; I might have to switch to the offensive.' I thought, reaching for the cork of my water bag that was one my back. I might or might not of taken the water bag from a corpse; just kidding, I found it floating in the river when I went to get water for the group one time. But then again, it probably did come from a corpse. The bag was as big as my back and held a lot more water than I thought. 

Kabuto threw some shurikens at me when my finger touched the cork. I rolled to the side, avoiding them, only to have more thrown at me. I quickly popped the cork off of the bag and drew the water that was in there out, and made a a thick tentacle of water. I waved my hand back and forth, deflecting the kunais and shurikens that he threw at me with the water. I used some of the water to make ice shurikens. I sent the ice shurikens at him and disappeared behind him, I raised my foot up to kick his back but he turned around and grabbed my ankle. He held me up in the air by my ankle and brought his foot up towards my face. I quickly had a water tentacle grab his foot, stopping it from slamming into my face. I replaced myself with a water clone and appeared behind him, this time catching him off guard. I trapped him in a water prison jutsu and smirked. "Wonder how long you can hold your breathe." I smirked, slowly closing my free hand, making some of the water in there tighten around his neck, choking him.

I could see Kabuto struggling inside the water bubble. 'Should I let him out?' I thought to myself as he turned a little red. "Tsuki Uchiha, you may stop now." Hayate told me. I sighed and released the jutsu. The moment Kabuto plopped down on the ground he coughed and was breathing heavily. "The winner of this match is Tsuki Uchiha." Hayate announced, gesturing his hand towards me. "Sorry about that," I apologized with a smile while holding my hand out to Kabuto, "Had to win." Kabuto chuckled and took my hand, "No problem, I understand." I pulled him up to his feet. 

'That was to easy.' Suirō told me as I walked up to the area above. 'Yeah, I felt like it was.' I agreed with him. "Nice job sis." Sasuke smirked. "Wasn't easy though, I kept feeling the pain of your stupid mark." I pouted. 

Sasuke was up next against one of Kabuto's teammates. I couldn't help but worry a lot more about my brother's stupid mark as he fought, that stupid guy only made things worse for Sasuke by sucking his his chakra. 'Sasuke! Keep fighting! Please! Don't let that thing take over!' I shouted, gripping the rails to the point where my knuckles had turned white. Sasuke managed to turn the fight around when he started kicking the guy around a bit before kicking the guy into the air like how Lee did with Sasuke before the exams started. The moment Sasuke was under the guy, his mark started spreading. "Ughn!" I grunted in pain, falling to my knees while gripping the spot on my neck where Sasuke's mark was. Wonder how Sasuke felt if what I was feeling was only about half or so. "Tsuki what's wrong?" Sakura asked, crouching down next to me. "Did Orochimaru give you a mark too?" She whispered. "No." I answered sternly, letting out a sigh of relief when the pain went away.

In the end, Sasuke managed to win and Kakashi took him and me to some secluded place to seal Sasuke's mark. "Hey this isn't going to hurt right?" I asked Kakashi once he was done drawing all the symbols. "I don't know." Kakashi replied. "Oh boy, this isn't going to be fun." I sighed, bracing myself for anything. I flinched as Sasuke scream in pain while Kakashi was sealing the mark. I gripped my upper arm, digging into my skin with my nails, breaking my skin and making myself bleed. I took in shallow breaths in order to keep myself from grunting or making any kind of noise. 

Once that thing was sealed, Kakashi old Sasuke how it all depended on his will power and what not, I didn't pay attention. Sasuke passed out right after sensei was done talking. "My, how you've grown. To think, you've become strong enough to perform the curse sealing jutsu." I quickly pulled out a kunai when I heard his creepy voice. "You." I heard Kakashi say when Orochimaru stepped out from behind a pillar. "Long time no see, Kakashi. And look at what we have here, little Tsuki, how nice to see you again." That stupid snake smirked. "Orochimaru." Kakakshi acknowledged. "No offense Kakashi, my business is with that boy behind you, and possibly his little sister as well." He said as his creepy eyes looked at me, making me shudder. "What do you want with Sasuke and Tsuki?" Kakashi asked in a harsh voice. 

Orochimaru started to walk towards us; Kakashi threaten to start a fight with him if he got any closer to Sasuke and I. But all he did was laugh like a maniac and told Kakashi how all his efforts are just in vain. I have no idea what he was going to accomplish by just showing up and doing nothing, but Orochimaru left without doing anything but talk about how he wanted the sharingan and how all this is like a game of chess. And how Sasuke and I will end up with him in the end. Now ain't no way that is happening, well maybe Sasuke will but not me.

"Kakashi, can I stay with Sasuke?" I asked when the hospital staff got Sasuke all hooked up and settled. "Yeah, I'll come get you when the preliminaries are nearly done." He told me before leaving. I sighed as I sat next to Sasuke on his hospital bed. 

Like Kakashi said, he came and got me when the final match was nearly done, which was Chouji against that stupid sound ninja Dosu. Chouji lost, which didn't surprise me much. The Hokage had all of the winners meet on the floor. He had us all pick numbers to find out who we would face in the finals. Apparently I was going to face Dosu. The Hokage then told us how we had a month to train for the finals.

'Great, I already lost before I started.' I thought when I saw the match up. 'There's no way I can win against him. Not unless I magically learn earth style jutsu within a month, which is not happening.' I sighed. 'If you have it in ya kiddo then maybe you can.' Suirō said. 'Dude, I can barely use water. We don't even know if I have it in me. Besides, I've tried to develop another chakra element before, didn't worked out remember?' 'Yes but everyone is different. We'll just take a visit to the experts to train. Don't worry, they can work miracles.' Suirō told me. 'Suirō, you can't just give someone a certain chakra flow, you just have it in you.' 'Then we just need to unlock yours. Seriously, if Jounins can do it than so can you.' My eye twitched a bit when he said that. 'Suirō, I am a genin. GENIN. They are jounin, they aren't jounin for a reason!' 'Trust me kiddo, I know you got something else hidden in you, we just gotta push it out and unlock it. Like, now.' I swear, he makes it seem like it's so easy.

After everyone was dismissed, I immediately went home and passed out on my bed when I took a long hot shower.


3 in a day again :D I'm sleeping >.> its 2 in the morning ><

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