XXII - Real and Imminent Danger

Start from the beginning

"What could Mirov want with this?" Merko said, worriedly.

"Not a good thing, we can be sure of that," Nicholas said with an apprehensive face.

"Let's see what Drako finds out and we'll reunite the information to put this puzzle together," Merko concluded, before leaving with them.

At that same hour, Drako called him, telepathically, to talk in the central computer room of planet Life's government. He, Nicholas, Zara and Sivoc went to meet Drako, curious to know anything about the villain's whereabouts.

"I managed to access Mirov's ship's last coordinates. It seems that the last destination was the constellation Canis Major, in the hunter Orion, in Sirius' solar system. If we follow him, I can define better the coordinates once we get closer." He looked at Nicholas before continuing. "Do you know this constellation, Nicholas?"

"Yes. This system is located south of the Three Sisters: Mintaka, Alnilan and Alnitaka. They form the constellation Orion the hunter's belt. The Canis Major and Canis Minor helped the hunter, according to the Greek mythology that was used to give name to the constellations and therefore they are located at his feet. But why did Mirov travel to Sirius?" Asked Nicholas, curiously.

"I liked to see you're studying Cosmology on Earth. However, unfortunately, the question about the former counselor Mirov's whereabouts I can't answer." Drako snapped.

"Why would he go to that system and not to Earth to hide among its inhabitants?" Merko asked curiously.

"Maybe the Counselor Kenan can answer us. Let's ask him. As a counselor, he may have heard something about it. There must be a good reason for that," suggested Sivoc.

The commanders Sivoc and Merko went out looking for the Counselor Kenan. After explaining the whole situation, Kenan asked for time, for he would gather the Royal Council to obtain a satisfactory answer. Hours later he returned, finding everyone eager for a solution.

"I met with the experts in Physics and Cosmology, and also with other Councelors, and we came to a very intriguing conclusion: Mirov traveled to the constellation of the hunter Orion because he knew that from there it would be possible to create a space-time rift, linking it to Earth. Some of our ancestors had already used this passage to reach the past of planet Earth and thus follow important episodes in the history of man monitoring these events to avoid catastrophes and drastic changes in the terrestrial past, which would affect us. As the King's Counselor, Mirov knew the gravity-forming weapon design our engineers invented, which uses electromagnetic energy to modify gravitational curvatures, that is, they can create artificial wormholes. Me and Mirov were involved in this project. It's a new device that was in experimental use. With this, he could create portals that would lead to a remote place on planet Earth. However, since he didn't want to use our moon's portal to Jupiter's orbit arriving at the time of Nicholas birth, he probably wants to reach another time in the terrestrial past, perhaps in the early days of man's appearance. Before we came to the planet Life in Andromeda, our ancestors studied and traveled through all the solar systems of the Milky Way and we discovered that the first stellar travelers who went to Earth used a path linking the terrestrial solar system to the constellations of the hunter, Orion. They probably utilized the binary star Sirius' gravitational waves' forces to reach Earth easily and establish the seeds of human civilization. The former Counselor Mirov had this knowledge and, possessing a weapon capable of forming space-time rifts, must want to take advantage of it somehow."

"Let's talk and think about it a lot and we'll meet again to take the next step. We need to find out what Mirov's real intentions are," Merko said.

"I've just thought of something terrible," said Sivoc worriedly, in a flash.

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