XX - Victory

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Fizard went to Merko's ship and informed him about Dargan, Mirov's spy, who was investigating the life of his entire family. Zara had woken up and went with Nicholas to his father. She was checking the controls of Star Hunter ship and couldn't help but hear that. At the time, she was desperate to know that her daughter was in danger. She excused herself and left the room, trying to control herself. Merko knew what was happening. He approached her and calmed her down, reassuring her that the spy wouldn't do any harm to their family if his leader was detained before that. For this reason, they would first return to planet Life to face Mirov. With the deposed king, the spy would lose its usefulness on Earth.

Zara agreed and tried to get better, but the concern for her daughter wouldn't let her be. So, she felt it was necessary to talk to Lorena and ask them to spend some more time traveling, without returning home.

She asked Z8 to enter the human's telephone system and called her mother-in-law:

"Hi, Lorena. How are you out there? Has Helen behaved herself?"

"Zara, thank God! I'm glad to finally talk to you. How are Nick and my husband?" After Zara said everything was okay, reassuring Lorena, she continued "Helen's a good girl. It's all right here. We were worried, anxious for news and, mainly, trying to understand what happened. It seems that nothing works in this country when it comes to information. No one knows anything and the communication devices and computers are constantly wavering."

"Lorena, you don't need to worry anymore, because the situation is under control. Our defense forces managed to drive out the invaders, and all the services of the country and the continent are gradually returning to normal. We still need to take care of the wounded and the damage left by the invasion, but soon we'll return home. Nicholas and Merko sent you a kiss and told you not to worry, because the worst is over. Now, let me speak to Helen, please. Give my regards to Sophia."

"Hi, Mom." The girl picked up the phone seconds later. "I miss you and daddy. Were you able to solve your problems?"

"Yes, darling. I'm glad you're okay!" As she talked to her daughter, tears of longing trickled from Zara's eyes.

She knew the little girl was in good hands, but the homesickness would only increase when she left the planet to win this war. The future of the whole world depended on them, including her daughter's. She needed to do her best for them to be victorious.

"We'll be together soon. Take care and always obey your grandmother. Kisses, my little baby. Mommy's missing you so much!"

"Me too, mommy. I love you!"

"I love you too, my baby!"

Helen handed the phone back to her grandmother:

"Zara, can we go back to our country yet? Is it safe to travel with the girls?"

"Lorena, we're safe now, and I think it's safe to travel. However, I would like to ask you and the girls to remain there for some time. Only by guarantee. Look at this period as a well-deserved vacation. Get plenty of rest and enjoy the ride."

"Now that we know that you're well and no longer in danger, we may even enjoy our trip a little. I'm just worried about girls' schools..."

"Don't worry, Lorena. Everything will fit in and then I can personally go to Helen's school and Sophia's college to explain our situation. For now, just rest."

"Okay, my daughter-in-law. We'll do this. Send a kiss to my son and another one to my husband."

"I will! I'll take good care of our boys."

"And I'll take care of our girls. You know I live mostly for them. Take care of yourselves, we are missing you and we'll await anxiously for your return."

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