As if my body was moving on its own, I jumped up and did exactly what she told me to. I went into the shower and washed my disgustingly oily hair. Once I got out the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and looked at myself in the foggy mirror. I wiped my hand against the glass until I could see myself in the reflection. I groaned once I saw what I looked like. I was starting to grow a beard. I rubbed it then grabbed a razor.

I walked out the bathroom and leaned on the door frame with my arms crossed, "Are you happy now?" She nodded and smiled.

"Well at least one person is happy." I still felt like shit. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. I hated the idea of being helpless, not being in charge. I hated being weak.

She stared at me like I was eye candy. She crossed her arm against her waist. On her other hand, she bit on the nail of her thumb. She was staring at the towel that wrapped around my waist. I felt as if she was mentally undressing me. The towel slowly began falling off. I grabbed onto it to keep it up, but it seemed to want to fall.

"Karmin, I know you're doing this." I bitterly kept the towel around my waist. She continued to ogle at me.

"Don't be shy." She smirked and walked towards me, when is this five year old ever not horny?

I rolled my eyes and walked back into my restroom, slamming and locking the door behind me. I changed into a red and gold silk robe and slid in some red shorts before walking back out the room, "Now you have nothing to ogle over." I ran my fingers through my curls, cursing my father's curly genes. Out of all the traits I could have gotten from my father, I got his waves...

Karmin let out a small giggle, "You're a pretty boy." She walked over to my bed and sat down. I made my way to my desk and took out my notebook. I began writing again. I wrote for a while uninterrupted until I felt Karmin reading over my shoulder.

"Haven't you already written this before? I remember you write this exact same thing before." She tilted her head in confusion.

"Yes, I have written this many times before." I grunted slightly under my breath. I do not feel like going on with her 20 questions bullshit again.

"Why? What's the point in writing something you've already written a bunch of times before?"

I let out large sigh before answering her obnoxious question, "Anxiety."

"Since when were you anxious? You always seem so calm and stoic. You're like a cool guy."

"Enough questions."

It took Karmin a week to finally get me to leave my room. I groaned and complained the whole time I was forced to get ready. For the first time in forever, I wanted to just wear some sweatpants, a sweatshirt, slippers, and not do my hair. I was so out of it. I've been so out of it for the past few months. I didn't feel like the Alex I have grown to be. I felt like I was six again.

Karmin looked at my closet in awe, "So many clothes..." She was in a daze. My clothing seemed to mesmerize her.

I walked up behind her and looked into my closet, "Those are just the clothes I wear most often, my other clothes are in the grand closet." Her mouth dropped. The life of a peasant must be horrible to live without these luxuries.

"My closet isn't even half this size..." She walked into the closet and looked at all the clothes, "How many black suits and white button up shirts do you have?"

"They aren't all the same, they all have different cufflinks. Some of the button up shirts have pockets, others don't."

"Rich people are so wasteful." She grabbed one of the white dress shirts that didn't contain a pocket and looked like it hadn't been ironed in a while, "I'm keeping this."

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