The Blind Eye of the Beholder

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"Think I can fly

"Think I can fly with you

My arms are wide

Catching fire as the wind blows." ~Galatis Run Away (U&I)

"Just have to grab the eye!" Karmin instructed me charging full force to the tall one eyed beast. We started the "quest to kingship" as the witch likes to call it. She told me her name when we first met and did the "business," as she also likes to call it, I just choose not to call her by it. A witch is still a witch, creatures of night. Hunting in the forest waiting and watching stalking their prey to steal what ever the hell witches use with humans.

I kept my arms crossed and kept my watch on the red headed teenager. She was bursting with energy attacking the beast left and right with a sword for some reason. If I had magic I would have just put like a death spell on the cyclopes or something witchy. I guess I just don't understand the art of witch craft. When I asked her about her odd choice of weaponry but she insisted on using a sword to kill it off.

The one eyed giant smashed his club a clutter of dirt and dust flying at her blocking her view of of the monster. While she was temporarily blinded the monster used this chance to try to strike at her and kill her. It raised it's club high into the air and with full force began to slam it's club down. I didn't realize it but my feet were walking on their own. I ran over to Karmin and grabbed her pushing her away from the club. The impact on the club hitting the ground made us both fall when I was pushing her.

The ground was rocky and my robe tore up. I had a few cuts from coming in contact with the hard jagged ground. Karmin had less cuts and bruises due to the fact that I landed on my back while holding Karmin, so she was currently on top of me.

The dirt smogged air blinded the cyclopes and Karmin, after staring at me for a split second and blushing, jumped off of me and cut at its oddly horse like legs causing it to fall on its back. Karmin quickly jumped on the monster's stomach and walked over to the eye.

"Alex, make sure it doesn't stand!" How the hell am I suppose to do that? She yanked the eye out of the socket and the giant turned into stone. "Glad I grabbed this before it turned to stone." She jumped off the body holding the enormously large eyeball. I stood up dusting myself off.

"So we're done here?" I asked seemingly annoyed due to the rip in my clothes. I looked like a peasant! My hair was a filthy mess and my clothes were ragged and torn. I absolutely hated the feeling of mess and the idea of filth made me want to crawl into a corner and lie there cringing for hours.

She shook her head and pointed to a cave a little farther off. "That's probably his cave. Maybe we can find something else for the spell in there." She started wandering over to the caving forcing me to trail behind. We stepped into the cave. It was completely dark. The trees from around the cave completely block it from sunlight. She began to shiver causing her to cross her arms and rub them to keep herself warm. She was probably so excited about killing the giant that she forgot to bring her cloak with her. I took the ragged robe and draped it over her shoulder.

"I've had that same robe for a while I needed a better use for it now." She looked into my eyes with hers glistening and her face turning pink. I backed away a little bit still creeped out by the spontaneous staring she loves to do so much.

She quickly realized my discomfort and looked down holding the robe close to her. She spoke quietly in a lower voice, "Thank you..." She snapped out of whatever she was in and look up and grabbed an unlit torch. Instantly she was holding fire in the palm of her hand and placed the torch in it to light it up. The fire from her hands cut off and the torch illuminated the cave. The cavern was full of skeletal remains of a plethora of creatures. Lining the walls were chest overflowing with golden coins and jewels. I was amazed by all the loot but Karmin seemed disappointed, "Useless. There's nothing of importance here." She turned around quickly and began to walk off.

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