Blind Man's Kingdom

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"We must navigate this world with selective blindness or crash." ~βέƦẙḽ Dṏṽ the Smartass Rabbi

We arrived at the harbor in the morning. The trip took surprisingly less time that I thought. Nate looked worn out, his eyes were bloodshot and baggy. He was probably tired, I don't think he slept on the whole trip here. He yawned and rubbed his tired eyes. "We're here." He walked off the vessel. He looked so out of it. He didn't wait for us to follow him, he just left us.

"Aw, where's sailor boy going? He looks so tired. He's probably getting some coffee." Karmin got off the ship and I followed after. I looked around. The kingdom was beautiful. The skies were a dark blue, almost grey, color. The son peaked through the clouds allowing light to be let in. The grass was cool green and the town was full of grays and whites, it was almost like it was in black and white. The building were separated by a stone path. There were bakeries, hair dressers, etc. Each store head some sort of greenery. Some had flower pots, others had cacti. Though it was a beautiful kingdom, it also seemed very dismal. I don't know what made it seem so depressing, I just sensed it. The people looked so sad and the skies looked like they always rain. The plants seemed over watered, they probably had to change the plants very often.

Karmin's stomach growled viciously, a diet of dried bread doesn't really fill the stomach up too much. "Lets get breakfast." I suggested, walking towards the cafe.

"But... I want cake." What is she, four? Cake isn't a breakfast food, though I used to eat it every morning when I was five.

"Cake isn't a breakfast food. Too muck cake will make you sick."

"Too much rum does the same thing, just worse!" She argued. I glared at her then grabbed her wrist and walked over to the bakery.

"Cake it is then."

Karmin ordered different types of pumpkin and lemon cakes. She seemed slightly disappointed with each slice she ate. She let out a long sigh, "It's never the same." She pouted. Same as what?

"Same as what?" I was curious. She begged me to come here then complained about the cakes.

"My sister use to make me cake all the time when I was younger..."

"Did something happen to her?" I raised an eyebrow, I never knew she had a sister.

"Nothing...," She quickly changed the topic, "so, I hear your birthday is coming up?"

"Well yes, I'll be turning twenty one." She gave me a shocked expression.

"I thought you were already twenty one?"

"My age doesn't matter, I'm still the same person throughout my aging period."

"Cool, I turned eighteen a month ago. So you're a Scorpio and I'm a Libra," She thought for a moment, "we're compatible."

"So you're into astrology?"

"Kinda, my sister was more into it than me..." There she goes, talking about her sister again. Who is she?

"About your sister-" She cut me off.

"Did you know Scorpios are manipulative people, but they're also very loyal. I find it quite funny." She chuckles slightly.

"On the topic about your sist-" She cut me off once again.

"Did you know Libra is the sign of partnership?" She chuckles again nervously hoping I'll drop the sister conversation.

"You're a crazy red head, you know that?" I chuckles slightly and took a sip of my coffee. The people at the bakery raised an eyebrow in confusion as if they've never heard of the term 'read head' before. Something seemed off about the people here. They dressed in dull colors. Karmin and I were dressed in much more extravagant clothing, but no one seemed to notice. It was almost as they were all blind.

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