The Interrogation

Start from the beginning

The inquisitor dragged her to one of the bridges windows, she struggled against him but she was not a physical match for the force sensitive Pau'an. He pressed her helmets visor against the glass, giving her a good view of the stars in space.
"Thanks to you, my dear, I now know where to find your friends. So do tell me, how does it feel to know you've doomed your rebel friends and yourself along with them?"
Sabine did not answer and remained silent as she looked to the floor. Then she jerked towards him and threw a punch at his face. The Inquisitor grabbed her fist with his own and began to slowly crush the bones in her fingers. Sabine struggled and began flopping like a fish against him.
"It doesn't matter, once I'm done giving you a slow death...I'll take your ship and execute your rebel friends. I hope Kanan doesn't sense me before I drive my blade through at least half of them".
Sabine felt a tremendous amount of guilt overwhelm her, this was all her fault. Kanan was right, it was too dangerous to go out alone.
"Fuck you!", she yelled at him. "Don't you fucking touch them! If anyone has to should be me!"
The Inquisitor let go of her hand and held her up via the force. He brought his head to hers, as he talked she looked into the cat-like yellow eyes and the sharpness of his Pau'an teeth.
"A most noble sacrifice, but I'm afraid that this is an opportunity I cannot pass. So now, onto your punishment."
The Inquisitor removed Sabine's helmet and examined her.
"For a human you have a particularly yellow-toned skin."
She felt a force rustle through her hair.
"Your hair colour is not natural, you've used pigments to change your colour from brown to...that.".
He used his power to lock her in place as she circled her, looking up and down at her figure.
"You have a nice, shapely body. I suppose even certain aliens can make themselves attractive to nearly any species".
Sabine found this a most unusual punishment. She gave a look of disgust from her face and closed her eyes as he moved up to her face. She could feel his cold breath on her forehead.
"Yes, you'll do".
Sabine gave a confused look.
"What...are you going to eat me or something? I don't taste very good", she gave him a sinister smile.
She then noticed the buckles to her trousers were being loosened, and the boots around her feet were being slid off. Her mocking face quickly turned into shock.
"What happened to a slow death!?" She cried out. "What are you doing!?"
Oh no...oh no no no!
She grasped her buckles but a force then moved her hands above her head in quick response.
"You won't interfere. Cooperate and I might consider sparing your friends.".
Sabine began to feel incredibly uncomfortable and her trousers became looser and her boots were removed.
This is just a dream...this is all just a dream.
She had no remaining tools she could use to defend herself. Her grenades were used up, and her pistols were knocked from her grasp. All she had left was the muscles in her body.
Sabine then felt her skin from the thighs down become exposed to the cool air as her Mando-trousers were removed and tossed to one sight.

Sabine felt a rush of embarrassment across her face as the Inquisitor knelt down, still using the force to keep her in the air.
"My, you have most intriguing legs."
As she felt a cold hand touch her thigh, her left leg felt itself jerk and attempt to kick the Pau'an in his perverted face...but unfortunately for her the Inquisitor had easily blocked the attack using his arms.
He looked up to her with a look of dissapointment.
"I'm afraid that'll cost you a bone."
Suddenly Sabine felt the bone in her right foots biggest toe snap, she let out a loud yelp. She could no longer feel any movement in the limb and she could feel a cold sense across all her bones.
He just broke my toe, it's not big deal. It could be much worse.
"Now, let's proceed without further interruptions, shall we? Or I'll just keep working up onto bigger bones in your pretty body".
He moved attention to her grey panties and his finger trekked along the waist.
"Please...stop. Don't." Sabine whispered as her body began to tremble. "Stop fucking touching me!"
The Inquisitor took no notice of her and pulled the undergarments from her legs. The skin of her waist and vagina felt ice cold as his bright yellow eyes looked upon it.
He...he's going to rape me isn't he? Shit. This isn't good...I do NOT want this.
He moved his hand down from her smooth hip to her thigh, then shifted a finger to her clitoris. He very gently stroked it.
"Urgh...nooo..." Sabine whispered to herself as her trembling increased and her body tightened itself up.
The Inquisitor chuckled.
"I suggest that if you're going to go through this experience, you at least should enjoy it. I'm getting the impression you're a virgin. How old are you? 17? 18? Surely you've performed the act of masturbation?"
It was true, Sabine had occasionally pleasured herself in her room at night. She was no stranger to the concept of sex, and some times she actually considered giving Ezra a good time with herself to see what it was like to actually experience. It's not like he would ever say no to her.
The Inquisitor took her silence as a response of agreement and opened up her pussy's entrance. She groaned and tensed up as he studied her insides.
"Yes, definitely a virgin. But I know you're not an innocent little girl, teenagers hardly ever are. Haven't met the guy yet? A pity you will not be able to save it for him when it comes, if it ever does".
She was released from the Forces influence and she was caught by the Pau'ans arms, who held her and began a small thrusting motion. She noticed a rather sizeable mass of stiffness was rubbing against her waist and stomach.
Oh fuck, he's actually gonna do it! No!
"Let me go!" She demanded. "Let me go, you pointy teethed, wrinkly BASTARD!"
Sabine began to struggle as the Inquisitor pushed her back against the wall. She was not enjoying this at all and certainly didn't want to lose her virginity to
His face studied hers.
"Now, the more you tense, the more this will hurt. I'd hate to have you find this a painful experience rather than a pleasurable one."
Sabine looked straight into his eyes and gave him a look, a look mixed with sadness and anger. The liquid from her eyes began to slowly fall down to her chin.
"C'mon, this isn't fair! Don't! You don't want to do this surely...can we not work something out!?"
The Inquisitor gave her an expressionless look as he poked the head of his solid member to her tensed entrance. She groaned in protest.
"Fear not, I'll make sure you find enjoyment in this too."

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