Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov
Riley- Mommy!

Me-Yes baby.

I was upstairs changing Kylie's diaper and Riley was downstairs. We are suppose to be making a cake.

Riley- Are you almost done with Kylie?

Me- Not yet baby. I'll be down in a min.

Riley- .....Alright......

I heard soft foot steps quietly walk away from the staircase.

When I walked downstairs I laid Kylie in her play pin.

Riley- Are you ready now mommy?

Me-*Smiles* Yu-GCO.


Riley faced went back to a frown.

Me- One second baby. Mommy's sorry.

I walked over to Kylie and gave her, her pacifier. She stopped. I smiled and turned around.

Me- Ok now-.. Riley?

Where in the world did she go? I walked thru the house looking for Riley, she was no where to be found. I walked downstairs to the basketball court and she was there kicking balls and crying.

Me- Ry.

Riley- Where's my daddy Tia?!


Me- I-GCO.

Riley- I want my dad!

I heard the phone upstairs ring and Kylie was crying. I sighed and looked at Riley. She was looking back at me. She looked real mad.

I finally ran upstairs and answered the phone and I picked up Kylie.

**********Phone Convo**********
Me- Hello?

??- Tia Curry?

Me- Yes.. Who's this?

??- My name is Officer Bennett. I'm calling because it seems that there has been an accident involving your husband Stephen Curry.

My heart stopped.

Officer Bennett- .. Mrs. Curry?

Me-I-is he ok? Please tell me he is alright.

Officer Bennett- He has been rushed to the hospital out here in LA....I think you should come out...

Me- I-I.. Alright.

A felt a tear shed.

Officer Bennett- I'll send you the hospital address... Be safe.

Me-.. Ok..

*********End Of convo*********

I sat down the house phone and stared at it.

I heard a door creek and I saw Riley. I dried my tears but I know she saw them.

Me-.. Let's go pack a bag. Ok?

She simply blinked. I held out my hand for her but she didn't take it. She kept walking up the stairs to her room. She's upset.

I packed Riley and Kylie's bag and
also mines. I called up the driver and we were on our way to LA. The whole way there I prayed to God to please let Stephen be ok. That's all I want. I can't picture life without him. Kylie's a newborn.... And Ry... She'll be devastated.

I looked over at Kylie. She was sleeping peacefully in her car seat. Then I looked over at Riley. She was sleeping in the very back of the truck. I climbed back there and laid with her. I gave her forehead a kiss before trying to get a nap.

Relations With Stephen CurryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora