Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov
Me and Riley were sleeping peacefully, she was all up on my chest. I didn't mind though. But I was awoken by my phone. It was Sonya.

*********Phone Convo*******
Me- Hello?

Sonya- Hey Tia. I'm sorry to wake you but Stephen is hurt. And he is refusing to go to the ER.

Me- Hurt? ER? What happened!?

Sonya- It's his bad ankle. He kind of twisted it or something tonight at the game. I saw it on TV. And I came straight over here and he was laying in bed. I tried taking him to the ER but he won't go.

I heard Stephen in the background.

Steph- Because it isn't that serious.

Sonya- Stephen you had to have surgery on that ankle! I want to know if everything's ok.

Me- Ok. I'll be there in a little.

Sonya- I didn't want you to co-GCO.

Me- It's ok. I'm coming. Bye Sonya and tell Stephen to not walk on it and put ice on it.

Sonya- Ok.

*******End of conversation*****
I got up and put some comfy clothes on. My hair is a mess. Before waking Riley I started packing up our things. When I finished that, I phoned my manager telling her that I had to leave early. She understood.

I picked up Riley and put her little slippers on. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I covered her head with a blanket because I don't want the camera flashes to wake her.

The bodyguards at the door got our things and we walked down the hall to the elevator. We got to the lobby and walked out the hotel. I didn't look up at the cameras. I just held Riley's head.

We got in the car and Riley laid on me. When we got to the airport the driver opened the door for me. I walked to the jet to lay Riley down. I laid her in the back room and covered her up good with the covers.

I was fully woke now so I went to sit on the couch. I threw a blanket over me and I started to play with my iPad.

When we got to Oakland it was around 4 a.m. I got Riley off and we got in a car. It took us to Stephen's house. When I got there I saw Sonya's car was gone.

I walked Riley inside and laid her down in her room. The bodyguards sat our things down in the living room and left. I walked upstairs to Stephen's room. He was sleep sitting up. His ankle was propped up without ice on it. He doesn't listen.

I walked downstairs and got one of Riley's ice packs. I touched his ankle softly. He woke up.

Stephen- Ow!

Me- Sorry.

I felt around it some.

Me- Does that hurt?

Steph- No.

I felt another part. He kept saying no.

Me- Can I massage it?

Stephen- No.

He tried to move it but he couldn't.

Me- It'll help it.

I touched his ankle and started massage it. His face turned really red. He covered his eyes with his hand a little.

Me- Just breath.

I kept saying comforting words to him to try to get his mind off the pain.

Me- I know it hurts...I know.

Stephen grabbed a pillow and covered his face with it. He isn't crying. He's trying not to scream.

Me- There I'm done.

I sat the ice packet on his ankle.

Me- It should be a little better in the morning. Then in the morning just put the ankle brace on... You're going to have to sleep like this tonight because of your ankle... I'll go get a blanket.

I walked downstairs and grabbed the blanket I had on the plane.

I walked back upstairs and threw it over him.

Me-There. *Smiles*

Steph- *Smiles* It smells like you.

Me- Well it is mines. *Chuckles*

I gave him a kiss.

Me- Goodnight.

Stephen- The pain you put me thru, don't you think I deserve another one.*Smirks*

I chuckled and gave Stephan a long kiss.

Me- There. *Smiles*

Stephen- Goodnight.

Me- Night.

I was half way out the door when Stephen said something.

Stephen- I love you.

Me-..I love you too. *Smiles*

I turned his light off and walked to my room I had when I was here. I don't want to sleep with Stephen because I don't want to roll over on his ankle. That'll be bad.

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