Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov
Today Stephen went to basketball practice so it left me and Riley together for two hours.

I was still sleeping in my room when I heard my door creek open.

Riley- Tia..

I turned over and I saw Riley standing beside the bed holding her stuffed animal. She looked like she has been crying.

Me- Yes?

I held my arms out to her and helped her onto the bed. She sat on my stomach.

Me- Have you've been crying?

She nodded her head.

Me- Why sweet pea?

Riley- I walked in my dad dad room and he was gone.

Me- He just went to basketball practice. It's all ok. He'll be back soon.

Riley nodded.

Me- So it's just me and you. *Smiles*

I tickled her and she giggled. She pulled her stuffed animal in front of her so I wouldn't touch her stomach. I chuckled and looked at the clock. 11 o'clock a.m.

Me- Want some breakfast?

Riley nodded. I got up with her and grabbed her hand as we walked downstairs. I picked her up and sat her on the counter.

Me- How about we cook some Waffles, Eggs, and Turkey bacon?

Riley clapped and nodded.

Riley- Daddy has a lot of microwaveable things.

Me- Can your daddy cook?

Riley- He can't cook.

I chuckled. I made Riley her breakfast and I fixed her, her plate. I cut her waffle into tiny pieces. She said she likes them that way and I do too.

Me- You want Milk, Orange Juice, or Water?

Riley turned around in her chair. Her mouth was full of waffles. She couldn't speak so she pointed.

Me- Water?

She shook her head.

Me- Milk?

She nodded.

Me- Ok.

I got her a cup and poured milk in it. I sat it down by her.

Riley- Thank You. *Smiles*

Me- You're welcome. *Smiles*

Me and Riley ate together. She was talking about how she wanted a new Toy

Me-*Smiles* You like toys?

She smiled and nodded. We finished eating and I cleaned up the kitchen.

Me- Riley, let's go get you dress.

Riley- We're we going?

She reached for my hand as we walked upstairs.

Me- It's a surprise.

I got Riley all cleaned up and dressed. I did her hair and she went to the play room while I got ready. When I got ready I walked to the play room.

Me- You ready?

Riley nodded.

She grabbed my hand as we walked out the house. Before leaving the house I grabbed Stephen's car keys to his Audi. He won't mind. In a way I'm babysitting.

I buckled Riley in the car and got in. The first stop we made was to a store. I walked in with Riley and people freaked. Ok? I kept Riley close to me. Nothing really fascinated me in that store so me and Riley left. On the way out the paparazzi were surrounding our car. I had to push past them to get Riley in the car safely.

Me- You ok?

Riley nodded.

Riley- They're scary Tia.

She frowned.

Me- I know baby. I got you. You're ok.

I closed her door and made my way to the drivers side. I got in and we drove off. Riley looked sad. Maybe because she was a little frighten. To cheer her up we made a stop at the ice cream shop.

Riley- Yay ice cream!

I chuckled. I got her out and we walked in.

Me- Which flavor?

Riley- Rainbow. *Smiles*

I got her a kids cup. We sat down and she started eating. She offered me some but I told her I was ok.

Riley- Tia where's your mommy?

Me- My mom lives in Houston, Texas.

Riley- Is that far away?

I nodded.

Riley- I don't know where mines is. Daddy said she's in a happy place.

Me- One day you'll meet her. *Smiles*

Riley smiled. She had rainbow ice cream all over her mouth. I got a napkin and wiped it for her.

Riley- Thank You. *Smiles*

I smiled back.

Me- You ready?

Riley nodded. I grabbed her hand and lead her to the car. I put her in and then I buckled her up. I got in and we drove off to the Warriors stadium. I walked in with Riley. We walked to the court. I saw Stephen throwing free throws.

Riley- Daddy!

She ran to him. He looked down at her and smiled. Then he picked her up and gave her a kiss. He smiled at me. I smiled back.

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