Stephen's Pov

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Stephen Pov
Tonight the Warriors don't have a game. I planned on staying in all day but Tia asked me to come see her perform in LA. I didn't mind going since she comes to my games.

Riley- Daddy?

Me- What's up.

I was shaving my chin hair in the bathroom.

Riley- Pick me up.

She held her arms up. I stopped and picked her up and sat her on the counter.

Riley-*Giggles* You have whip cream on your face daddy.

I chuckled.

Me- It's not whip cream.. It's shaving cream.

Riley- Are you sure daddy?

Me- I'm one hundred percent positive Riley.

Riley started looking at herself in the mirror.

Riley-*Sings* I'm waaaaaaay up I feel blessed.

I chuckled.

Me- Who taught you that?

Riley- Tia. *Smiles*

Me- I thought so.

Riley- Are you coming to her concert tonight?

Me- Yes, are you?

Riley-*Giggles* I'm going with you daddy!

I laughed.

Me- I'm just messing with you. What time does it start.

Riley held up 8 fingers. I nodded.

Me- Ok.

I finished shaving and I checked the time.

Me- It's two now Riley. Want to go to subway.

Riley- Subway! *Claps* Yay!

Me-*Chuckles* Alright, let's go.

I helped her down off the counter. She ran downstairs and I followed behind her. I grabbed my car keys and we left.

At subway I asked Riley what she wanted.

Riley- A cookie.

Me- *Chuckles* That's all the time.

Riley smiled.

Me- But you're going to have to get food too.

Riley- Ok.

I got Riley a pizza and some apples with her cookie. Before leaving I got Tia some food. I put Riley in the car and buckled her up.

Riley- Where are we going now daddy?

Me- To take Tia some food.

Riley- Where is she?

Me- In LA.

Riley- Yay, we're going to LA. *Smiles*

Since that's a 5 hour drive I decided to go home and pack me and Riley a bag for tonight then leave.

When we were on the road Riley sung Big Sean- Blessings all the way there.

I texted Tia to see where she was staying. She texted me back and told me the name of the hotel.

Riley and I pulled up to the hotel and immediately we got noticed. Riley hates the pap, they make her scared. I valet parked. I got our things out and I picked up Riley. She was being quiet and had her arms wrapped tightly around my neck.

Me- Are you scared?

She nodded.

Me- Daddy got you.

I nodded at some of the paparazzi and made my way in. When we got in we took the elevator up to Tia's floor. Her bodyguards let me in.

Me- Tia!

Tia came from around the corner.

Tia-*Smiles* Hey.

She gave me a hug and tickled Riley.

Me- I brought you food.

I sat the bags down and let Riley down.

Tia- It's like you read my mind. *Chuckles*

Me- Riley come on. We have to get ready for the concert.

I grabbed Riley's hand. I took her a bath. When I got her out Tia took it over from there while I got my own self ready.

Tia- Ok ready?

Me- Yea lets go.

Tia carried Riley out. When we got outside there was a car waiting. I held the door opened for Tia and Riley. Riley was ready to get in since the paps scare her.

When we got to the venue Tia went off to get ready.

Me- Lets go find our seats Riley.

Riley happily skipped down the hallway. I followed her.

We found our seats. Some of Tia fans screamed when they saw me and Riley. Riley waved.

At 8, the concert started. Tia came out. I didn't even know she could dance the way she's dancing now. Riley was beside me dancing too, Tia smiled at her. I chuckled at both of them.

After the concert I met up with Tia. We were getting ready to leave.

Me- I didn't know you had moves. *Chuckles* Like "Twerking".

Tia-*Laughs* It's not me when I'm on stage.

Me- Then who is it?

Tia- Lets just call her... Sasha.

Me- I like Sasha. *Smirks*

Tia blushed.

Me- When can I meet her.

Tia climbed in the car.

Tia- You already did.

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