Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov
I honestly don't understand why Stephen is so upset with me! Him being mad at me is really cutting deep. What did I do?!

This morning I woke up early. So many emotions are running through me. First Jay now Steph.

I got dressed and walked downstairs. Stephen was cooking breakfast. He didn't notice me so I snapped a quick picture. When he heard the click he looked up. He wasn't smiling at all.

Me- Can we talk?

He ignored me and continued cutting up some strawberries.


He shook his head while he chuckled.

Stephen- Babe? Wow.

Me- What?

Stephen- Tia, I don't want to do this anymore.

Me- What? Stephen.... What?

Stephen- I need some time away from you.

Me- Time? Stephen we don't have time.!

I pointed to my stomach.

Stephen- I know I'm not the only one you're talking too ok.

Me- What?!

Stephen- So I think it's best if we just split apart for awhile...

What is he talking about!? My eyes started to water.

Me- You know what. Fine. Ok.

I turned around to face a worried Riley.

Riley- Mommy where are you going?

Me- Mommy will see you in a few days.

Riley- Where are you going.

Me- Away for a little.

Riley- Why mommy?

I walked up the stairs and started packing a bag. I walked back downstairs. Stephen was holding Riley. I gave her a kiss.

Me- See you later alligator.

Riley- Mommy.. Don't go. Mommy don't go!

Riley started to cry.

Me- I'm sorry. I have too.

I walked out the door. I could her Riley's crying. I cried to myself as I walked out in the rain. What is going on!

Instead of going to a hotel, I called up Stephen and I's jet. I'm going to New Orleans.

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