Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov

Tiana- Tia have you seen my watch?

Me- No.

It was the morning and everyone was rushing to pack up. I was packing Riley's bag.

Me- Riley, pick one toy to keep. All the rest are going in the bag babe.

Riley carefully examined her toys. She chose a stuffed animal. I packed all the rest in her bag. After her bag was handled I packed up my stuff. I had a lot of things.

Stephen- I feel like I'm messing something.

Me- This?

I handed Stephen his jacket.

Stephen-*Chuckles* Thank You.

Me-*Smiles* Welcome.

We were all packed up and Stephen took our bags outside to the waiting boat. Everyone were already on board. Stephen helped me on and he pasted me Riley. She sat in my lap the whole ride.

Tianna- That's was a great vacation.*Smiles*

Richard- It really was. Thanks for having me come along.

Tiana+Me= Our pleasure.*Smiles*

When we got to bay we got off. Stephen's bodyguards took the bags.

Tiana- I guess this is goodbye until my wedding day? *Smiles*

Me-*Smiles* Yea..

I hugged her.

Me- I'm gonna miss you sis.

Tiana- Same here sis.

I let go of Tiana and hugged Alan and Julez.

Julez- See you later TT T. *Smiles*

I chuckled.

Me- Bye my Julez.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Me- Alright, Bye mom and Richard.

I gave them both hugs.

Me- You guys have a safe flight back to Texas and Nola.

Them- We will.

I smiled and waved. Riley did too.

Them- Bye y'all. *Smiles*

The bodyguards put our bags in Stephens car. I buckled Riley up and got in myself. In the car Riley was dancing to music.

Me- *Chuckles* Did you like the boat Ry?

Riley- Yes! It was great!

She looked out the window.

Me- That's good. *Smiles*

I looked over at Stephen.

Me- And you?

Stephen- *Smiles* Yea. It was relaxing.

I nodded in agreement. We pulled up to Sonya's house. I got Riley out and she ran up the steps.

Sonya- Hey guys! How was the boat?

Me- Great. You should've came.

Sonya- As much as I would've liked it, I just hate boats. *Chuckles*

Me- One day. *Smiles*

Sonya- I made lunch. Come on in.

We walked in and Riley ran upstairs to her play room. Stephen talked to his dad while I was fixing food. Sonya made salad, Lasagna, Texas toast, and potatoes. I fixed Riley plate first. She had potatoes and lasagna. She isn't going to eat that much.

In the middle of fixing Stephen plate he came up behind me and hugged me around my waist.

Me- Do you want potatoes?

Stephen- I want everything.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Stephen- Thank You.

Me- You're welcome. *Smiles*

Stephen took his food and sat at the table. I walked upstairs to get Riley. She was singing on her karaoke machine.

Me-*Chuckles* Come on. We are having lunch.

She took my hand and we walked downstairs. She sat between Stephen and I. I had to feed her most of the time because Riley is easily to get distracted.

Me- Riley...


Me- Riley.

Riley- Huh?

She turned her head my way.

Me- Lets play a game.

Riley- Ok!

Me- It's called "Keep your eyes on me". You have to watch everything I do. Ok?

Riley nodded in excitement. The game got her to eat. When she finished I clapped.

Me- You're such a big girl.

She nodded. Her mouth was full of potatoes. I chuckled at her and gave her something to drink to wash it down.

After lunch I sat with Stephen on the outside porch. I basically sat on him.

Stephen- When do you go back to work?

Me- Tuesday. You?

Stephen- Same.

I frowned.

Stephen- That means I'm going to have to miss your concert.

Me- And I have to miss your game.


Me- Riley's going with you or me?

Stephen- Where is the concert?

Me- New York.

Stephen- Hm. I'll keep her.

Me- That's fine.

I nodded.

Stephen- I love you.

Me- I love you too baby.

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