Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov
Stephen- Ok baby, we here.

Stephen helped me out of the car and we rushed into the hospital. My bodyguards went up to the front desk and nurses immediately came.

I sat in the wheel chair and they wheeled me onto the elevator. I went up to the 6th floor and I got wheeled off. They immediately changed me into a gown. Right when I got to my room and laid in the bed, my doctor came.

Dr. Freeman- Well hello Tia.


I held my stomach.

Dr.F- You're in pain?

I nodded.

Me- Yes. Very.

Dr.F- You're only 4 centimeters dilated. Meaning, you aren't in labor just yet.

I nodded.

Me- Ok. *Breathes*

Dr.F- Would you like some ice? Or are you alright.

Me- Ice would be nice.

I closed my eyes tight when another pain hit me.

Me- These contractions are killing me!

Dr.F- You're in good hands Tia. Don't worry.  *Smiles*.

Dr. Freeman turned to the nurse and sent her to get me some ice.

Dr.F- I'll bring you a bouncy ball. It helps if you move around on it. It reduces contractions pain.

Me- Please bring me that! Fast!

Dr. Freeman laughed and nodded.

Dr. F- I'll send a nurse back with your ball.  Ok. I'll check up on you later.

Me- Ok, Mrs. Freeman. *Signs*

Dr.F- Alright, bye Stephen, Bye Tia.

Us- Bye.

20 minutes later a nurse came back with my ball and some ice.

Stephen- Alright baby. Let me help you.

Stephen helped me up. I got up and he helped me onto the ball. I held onto his arms for support. I moved around a little.

Stephens- How's it feeling?

Me- Uhmm.

I groaned. My back is aching.

Me- It's better then laying down babe.

Stephen- That's good.

Stephen and I were in silence for a minute.

Me- Thank you. For all the support.

Stephen- You're my wife and I love you.

Me- I love you too.

Stephen and I shared a kiss. He rubbed my stomach.

Stephen- I'm ready to meet her.

Me- *Smiles* I'm sure she's ready to meet us too.

Stephen- Riley's outside of the door. *Chuckles* You hear her.

I giggled and nodded.

Riley-*Knocks* Mommy.

Me- Yea baby?

Riley- They said I'm not allowed to come in.

Me- Did they sweetheart?

Riley- Yes!

Me- You can come in. *Smiles*

The bodyguards opened the door for her and she walked in looking around.

Stephens- Where's grandma?

Riley- Out there with everybody else... Where's my sister?

Stephen and I laughed.

Stephen- She isn't here yet.

Riley- When will she come?

Me- At any. Ah..

Stephen looked at me quickly. I closed my eyes.

Me- Contraction.. But she can come at anytime baby.

Riley nodded.

Stephen- Sit in the chair Ry and watch Disney.

Riley- Ok daddy.

Stephen looked over at me.

Stephen- You ok?

I nodded.

Me- Perfect. *Smiles*

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