Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov
We have two more days on the boat. I'm honestly not ready to leave the peace and quietness but I know I have to get back to work.

It was after lunch and everyone were swimming in the water except Stephen and I. We were laying on the outside sofa.

Stephen- Sing to me. *Smiles*

Me- Sing to you?

Stephen- Yea.

He rubbed my arm.

Me-*Chuckles* Like what.

Stephen- *Smiles* Anything.

Me- I'm shy.

Stephen- Godsh. Tia you perform for thousands of people.

Me- That's nothing compared to you.

Stephen- What do you mean?

Me- When I'm onstage I'm not me... With you.. I'm just Tia. I know me, myself can't just go out there and perform like I do. It's Sasha. *Chuckles*

Stephen- Then bring out Sasha.

Me- Only on special occasions.

Stephen- Like the other week.

Stephen winked at me. I blushed and sat up.

Me- Oh my... Embarrassing.

Stephen- No it wasn't. It was beautiful. You were beautiful.

I blushed even more.

Me- I told you I'm very shy. *Chuckles*

Stephen- I see that now. *Chuckles*

Me- I'll be right back.

I got up and walked into the boat. I went to the bathroom and I turned on my laptop to record myself for my documentary.

Me- .... Our time is almost up here... This vacation has been everything.... I've had a chance to think moreover and.. Just relax. No screaming. No anything..... I don't want this to end.... But I know.... I have to go back to working so I can provide for my family of three......... Possibly four.

I smiled. I sighed and closed my laptop.

Riley- Mommy!

Riley came running for me. I picked her up.

Me- Heeeey big girl! *Smiles* You're all wet dolly.

Riley- I was in the ocean. *Smiles*

Me-*Gasp* You were?

Riley- Yes! *Giggles*

Me- And you didn't get eaten up by a shark?!

Riley- Nope! *Claps*

Me- Riley Elizabeth is a survivor!

I chuckled and Riley giggled. I carried her to Stephen. He took her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Stephen- Hey baby girl.

Riley- Hey daddy!

Stephen looked at me.

Stephen- Where did you go?

Me- Just the bathroom.

Stephen- Ok.

Stephen played with Riley. I smiled to myself while watching them.

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