Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov
I woke up extra early to make breakfast...well attempt. I decided to make omelettes but I'm not all that good with omelettes just yet. Let's just say I'm a newbie and I haven't mastered those yet.

I got up and decided to take a shower. I didn't have any clothes so I slipped on some of Stephen's Calvin Klein boxers and my bra. I found a robe so I put that on too.

Every since I told Stephen about my problem I feel free. Im in a good place knowing he accepts me for who I am. I hope he's in a good place too..

I was digging around in the refrigerator looking for my ingredients when I heard a soft voice. I turned around and saw my baby.


She was still half sleep.

Me-No silly. *Chuckles* It's mommy.

Riley eyes got huge.

Riley- Mommy!

She ran to me and gave me a hug around my legs. I rubbed her back.

Me-Hey baby.*Smiles*

I picked her up and sat her on the counter.

Me-Wanna help me make breakfast?

She nodded.

Riley- Can Leo help too?

She held up her doll.

Me-*Smiles* Of course.

I was fine to walk away but Riley spoke.


Me-Yes baby?

Riley- You promise you weren't going to leave...

Me- If I'm here now..I didn't leave.

I rubbed her hair.

Me-Now lets get cooking! *Chuckles*

Riley and I made omelettes, Waffles with strawberries. Every once in awhile I'll see her sneak a strawberry. I just chuckled to myself. We also had bacon.

Me- Almost finish Riley. *Chuckles*

She was laid out on the floor. I sat the OJ on the table.

Stephen-What's all this?

Me-Breakfast. *Smiles*

Stephen picked up Riley.

Riley-Thanks to mommy and me! *Smiles*

Stephen chuckled.

Stephen- Smells good. Hope it taste the same.

Me- Haha jokes.

We sat down and ate. Riley talked about how she wants to go to the beach. Of course I'm going to have to take her.

After breakfast I was cleaning up the kitchen when Stephen walked in.

Me- Get out mister got jokes.

He chuckled.

Stephen- I was just kidding. Come here.

He tried to come towards me. I threw flour at him. I laughed.

Stephen-*Smirks* You think that's funny?

Me- Think? It is! *Laughs*

Stephen- Ok. Ok.

He was walking closer to me.

Stephen- Just wait til I.. Get you.

He tried to grab me but I was too quick. I started running from around the kitchen. Next thing I know I hit something and fell to the floor. It was Stephen.

Me-*Laughs* Ok ok! I'm sorry!

He laid on top of me. I flicked flour in his face.


Steph kissed me.

Me- Ewww! Flours in my mouth.

He got up laughing.

Steph- Now we're even.

We both looked at the kitchen entrance when we heard Riley.

Riley- What is this mess?

We both laughed.

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