Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov
Today is Riley first day of daycare. Stephen decided it would be good for her because she'll learn way more instead of being with him or me all day everyday. I agreed with him on that so we signed her up for daycare. She wasn't feeling that at all.

Anyway it's 8:00 a.m. And I got up extra early to go to Stephens house to get Riley together. I had on some grey Nike tights with a purple tank top and some grey roshes. I look like I just came from a jog. Anyway, my hair was in a messy bun and I had on a simple gold necklace.

I grabbed my car keys and walked out. While I was out I stopped and got Riley some breakfast. I got her a bagel with cream cheese and an apple juice. I even got her two big chocolate chip cookie from subway. One for breakfast, to cheer her up, and the other one for lunch.

I pulled up in Stephen drive way around 8:30. I got out and walked in the house. I heard rumbling coming from upstairs. I walked up there and Stephen was just now getting her out the tub. I came just in time.

Stephen- Goodmorning.

Me- *Smiles* Morning.

I looked at Riley she was tired and upset at the same time. I took Riley from Stephen and started getting her dressed.

Me- Wanna wear your new jeans? *Smiles*

She shook her head.

Me- How about your dress with some tights? *Smiles*

She nodded.

Me- Good. I bet your going to look so gorgeous. Like a princess.

I put Riley's tights on then her dress. I combed her hair into a little ponytail on top of her head. I added her earrings in and put her shoes on.

Me- You look so pretty Riley.

I clapped and gave her a kiss. She looked like she was fine to cry already.

Me- It's going to be fun. Don't worry sweetie.

I picked her up and carried her downstairs. I sat her at the table with Stephen whom was eating an apple. I gave her, her bagel, cookie,and OJ.

Me- See you have a cookie for breakfast and lunch girlie. *Smiles*

I packed Riley's little backpack with a doll, coloring book,crayons, and pencils. Then I started on her lunch box. It was rainbow. I packed her, her tuna sandwich, grapes, cookie, juice box, and some kettle cooked chips.

Me- You're all set Ry. *Smiles*

Riley finished her breakfast and I put her cardigan on before walking out. Stephen buckled her up and we took off. Riley slept all the way in the car to daycare.

When we got there Stephen woke her up. She looked out the window. Stephen carried her things while I held her hand as we walked in. Some paps were waiting at the entrance. She looked at them. When we got inside the owner of the daycare met us.

Owner- Hey Riley! *Smiles*

She hid behind my leg.

Stephen- She's afraid.

Owner- A lot of kids like her come threw that door the same way. But no need to be scared. You're going to have fun.

Stephen was asking the owner a lot of questions. He's more worried. When it was time I handed Riley over to the owner. She started crying.

Riley- I don't wanna go! *Cries* Daddy! Mommy!

Stephen and I gave her a kiss on the cheek. The owner stood in front of her so she wouldn't see us leaving. Major fail. Riley tried to crawl between the owner's legs.

Riley- Mommy! *Cries* Daddy! Don't leave me!

I looked back at her one last time before exiting out the double doors. The owner was carrying her in a class. She was all red. I wanted to cry myself. I think Stephen noticed that. He put his arm around me.

Stephen- Are you ok?

Me- Did you see her back there.. I feel bad... Maybe I should go get her. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

Stephen- This is good for Riley. Trust me this is a big step for me too considering the fact I have her all day everyday. Be happy she's actually going to learn stuff. Give her time to adjust.

I let out a breathe.

Me- Ok...You have a point... You're right.

Stephen nodded. We got in his car and left to go back to his house. I thought I was convinced this is good for Riley but lord....I'm nervous. I hope she has fun.

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