Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov
I'm in New Mexico performing tonight. It's nearing the end of the concert and I did the closing act. I walked backstage and Riley ran to me with skittles in her hand. She travels with me because every time I leave for business she thinks I'm leaving her.

Riley- Momma.

She reached up for me and I picked her up. She handed me her skittles to hold.

Me- Who bought you skittles?

Riley smiled. I'm guessing she's not going to tell me.

We walked to my dressing room and Stephen was there eating crackers and playing on his phone. When did he get here?

Me- Hey? *Smiles*

Stephen- Hey. *Smiles*

Me- When did you get here?

Stephen- Hour ago.

Me- Why didn't you tell me you were coming?! *Smiles*

Stephen-*Smirks* I can't surprise you now?

I smirked and sat Riley down. I walked over to Stephen and gave him a hug and a kiss.

Me- Lets start over. *Smiles* Hey.

Stephen-*Smiles* Hey.

I chuckled at myself.

Stephen- What's your plans for the rest of the night?

Me- We can go get food. I'm hungry.

Stephen- That's the plan.

Me-*Smiles* Ok.

Stephen- *Smiles* Ok.

Me- *Chuckles* Alright.

Stephen-*Smiles* Alright.

Me- Are you gonna let me go? *Chuckles*

Stephen-*Smirks* Maybe.... Or maybe not.

Stephen gave me a kiss. I blushed.

Riley- Dad dad. Let mommy go.

Riley was sitting on the floor. She poured her skittles out and was eating them off the floor. I let go of Steph.

Me- Riley!

I bent down beside her.

Me- The floor is nasty baby girl.

I started putting her skittles back in the bag. She made a whinny noise.

Riley- Leave them alone mommy. Stop.

Me-You're going to be sick.

Riley was upset now.

Me-*Sighs* You can feed me on.

She smiled and got one out. I opened my mouth and she popped a purple one in there. She giggled and I smiled.

Me- One more.

She got out a dark blue one and fed it to me again.

Me- Yum, yum, yum, yum! *Smiles*

I stood up.

Me- I'll be right back. I'm going to change.


I walked to the back and changed into the clothes I arrived in. I wiped my makeup off and I put my hair in a ponytail. I came back out and Stephen had Riley on his lap. She was playing on his phone.

Me-Ok. Ready?

He looked up.

Stephen-Yea. Let's go.

He picked up Riley and we walked out.

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