Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov
This morning I got up around 10. Stephen said the other day he'll be here around 12.

When I rolled over I didn't feel Riley. I patted around. Still no Riley. I jumped up out of the bed and ran out the room. I ran into Richard and my mom.


I was crying and panicking. Before they could say something I ran out onto the deck. They followed. What if she fell into the water! I looked out. We weren't at the deck anymore. It felt like the world was spinning.

Me- *Yells* Riley!!!!!

Riley- Yes mommy?

I turned around and Riley was sitting on the couch eating breakfast. I ran over to her.

Me- Oh baby!

I hugged her. She hugged me back.

Riley- Are you ok momma?

I nodded.

Me- Now I am. *Smiles*

??- I got your juice Ry.

I looked up and Stephen was standing over me. He handed Riley her juice.

Riley- Thank You daddy.

I was just looking at him. He held out his hand to help me up. I took it and stood up.

Me- I thought you were coming at 12?

Stephen- I came last night.

Me- *Gasp* Last night?

Stephen- Yea. *Chuckles*

I smiled.

Me- You could've woke me up.

He grabbed my waist.

Stephen- Maybe I didn't want to. *Smirks*

Me- I would kiss you but I need to brush my teeth.

Stephen chuckled. He let me go and I walked back to our room and took a shower. I did my hygiene things and got dressed. On my way back out to the deck I got a plate of strawberries and water for breakfast.

Stephen already had Riley in her swimsuit. She was laying out on the couch in the sun with Stephen. I sat beside them.

Me- Want a strawberry Ry?

She nodded and I gave her one. Tiana came out with Julez and Alan.

Julez- Riley, wanna come in the water with me and my dad?

Stephen looked down at her.

Steph- Wanna go?

Riley nodded and Julez picked her up. I made sure she had on a life jacket.

When they went to the water it just left Tiana, Stephen, & Me.

Me- Stephen this is my sister Tiana. Tiana this is Stephen.

Tiana- Nice to meet you. *Smiles*

They shook hands.

Tiana- Looks like you'll be assisting Tia in my wedding. *Smiles*

Stephen- I wouldn't have a problem with that.

I chuckled.

Tiana- Next it'll be her getting cuffed up for good.

She smirked and sipped her tea. I blushed and nudged her.

Me- *Chuckles* Leave.

Stephen was just smiling.

Tiana- Ok ok I'm leaving.

She got up and walked to the edge of the boat. I looked at Stephen.

Me- Sorry about her.

Stephen- It's ok.

Stephen pulled me onto him. We cuddled.

Steph- I missed you.

Me- I missed you too.

I reached over to my plate and grabbed a strawberry.

Stephen- Give me some.

Me- Here.

I fed him the strawberry.

Me-*Gasp* Stephen! You ate the whole thing.

He chuckled.

Stephen- What did you think I was going to do?

Me- That was the last one. Meanie.

Stephen- I'm not mean.

Me- Yes you are.

Stephen picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I giggled.

Me- What are you doing meanie?

He sat me on the rail of the boat and leaned me over.

Stephen-*Smirks* Apologize.

I wrapped my legs around his torso.

Me- If I fall. We fall together.

Stephen- That's fine.

He tickled my stomach and by habit I leaned farther back because of laughter. He still held one of my arms.

Stephen-*Chuckles* Apologize.

Me-*Laughs* Stephen I'm going to fall.

Stephen- Apologize then.

Me- Your m-GCO.

Stephen- I'm the nicest person you would ever meet. *Smiles*

He tickled me some more and I began to slip.

Me- Ok!! I apologize.

Stephen-*Smirks* For?

Me- Calling you mean. *Laughs*

He stopped tickling me and picked me up bridal style.

Stephen- Now can I have my morning kiss?

I chuckled and gave him a kiss. He put me down.

Stephen- Now, I have to go take my daily nap.

Me- See ya sleeping beauty.

Stephen- Haha jokes.

Stephen walked away. I walked to the edge of the boat and watched Riley play in the water with Julez and Alan. I held my hands on my hips.

Riley- *Waves* Hey mommy. *Smiles*

Me- Hey sweet pea.

I waved back.

Relations With Stephen CurryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora