Stephen's Pov

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Stephen Pov
Tia and Riley are still currently in Paris. I'm not gonna lie, I miss them but I've been trying to keep my head in the game. My teammates are happy I'm back from the honeymoon and it does feel good to be back.

Before tonight's game I put in a little extra workout time at the gym. People kept emailing something about Tia being pregnant. The rumors people would make up.

After my workout, I went to subway for my daily subway sandwich. I went home and ate my lunch and took an hour nap. When I woke up I started getting ready for the game.

On my way to the game there were lots of cars. Tonight's crowd should be pretty good. I zoomed past the line and went to the back entrance. The guard opened the gate and I drove in. I got out the car and got my duffle bag. I walked into the building. Some paps were inside. I smiled at the cameras.

I got in the locker room and I changed into my jersey. The team and I prayed together and we got all hyped. After that we began walking out the locker room. I heard the crowd all the way from down the hall.

After this game there's 10 more to be played until the finals. Yes, I count down. We just have to get a "W" every night and we are in the finals!

Tonight game went by pretty fast. Again GS got the win!

Me- *Yells* That's what I'm talking about!

I gave my teammates dap.

Before heading to the back I had to be interviewed.

Report- Stephen how do you feel about tonight's game?

Me- Tonight's game went perfect.

Report2- Where's your wife?

Me- She's in Paris. *Smiles*

Report3- How do you feel about the new baby?

Coach- Times up.

I got up and walked to the back with some bodyguards. I heard the reporters yelling my name. I don't know what got people thinking Tia is pregnant. She can't even get pregnant so that's how you know it's a rumor.

(A/N "Mixed" is on the way to a come up lol. Anyway, y'all still need to check it out.❤️)

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