Tia's Pov

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Tia Pov

Me- You have a beautiful house.

I looked around in amazement.

Stephen- *Chuckles* Thank You... Nothing major.

Me- Nothing major? This is way better then my apartment!

Stephen- How about I show you to your room.

I nodded. He led me upstairs.

Stephen- This will be your room.

He stood aside the door to let me past by. The door was a tight squeeze so my butt kind of rubbed up against him. I shook it off.

Me-*Smiles* How beautiful.

It was a very nice room... Warm...comfy... Just welcoming.

Stephen- Thank You.. My daughter's room is right next door so sorry if she keeps up fuss.

Me- It's ok. It's y'all house.

We were just standing there in awkward silence.

Stephen-*Clears throat* We'll talk more about finding you a place tomorrow.

I nodded.

Stephen- Alright. Goodnight Tia.

Me- Night. *Smiles*

Stephen walked out and I jumped in the shower. I got dressed in my clubbing clothes. It's 1 so I have time to party a little. I tiptoed out the house and called a taxi to come and pick me up. I got in and made my way to the club.

We pulled up and I got out.

Me- Time to get wasted.

I pulled my dressed down and walked in. I was drunk within minutes. I danced my butt off to the music.

??- Hey ma. *Smirks*

Me- *Giggles* Who are you?

??- Your date for tonight.

Me- *Giggles* My date? Mhm. What some f-fun?

??- My place?

I nodded and bite my lip. I followed him out the club and got into this random person's car. He lived in a trashy apartment. He kissed me as soon as we entered his apartment.

The next morning I woke up with a headache. I picked up my bra and panties and slipped them on. I put my dress on and grabbed my heels. I tiptoed out the apartment and walked down the hall. When I got outside I called a taxi. It took me back to Stephen's house. When I got there I walked in and tiptoed pasted the kitchen.

Stephen- Tia?

Me- Oh uh. Stephen.

Riley- Who's this daddy?

She turned around in her chair. She was eating diced fruit and oatmeal.

Stephen- Nobody baby. Eat up.

Well that cut deep. He got up and motioned for me to follow him in the living room.

Stephen- Where were you all night?

Me- I went out to the club.

Stephen- That's it?

He looked at my messy hair and my unhooked bra strap.

Stephen- Seem like you did more then just go out.

Me- No offense Stephen but I'm 25 years old.

Stephen- And this is my house.

Me- I can go out and have sex with whom ever I want.

Stephen- That's real slutty.

Me- ......You're mad... *Smirks* You want me all to yourself. I'm not a sex slave.


He shocked me when he yelled.

Stephen- We don't roll like this in my house.....

Me- Well I'll go.

Stephen- Wait no.

He grabbed my wrist.

Stephen- I just... I was just worried. I apologize. Just warn me before you go off.

He cleared his throat and walked off to Riley.

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