Chapter 23

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    Seth, Alejandro, Alyssa, Austin, Brandon, Skylar, Elizabeth and Logan were standing near the bar. "Hey babygirl." Logan said pulling me away from Zach and kissing me. "Hey." I replied pulling away from him, my bubble gum lip gloss laced his pink luscious lips

   "What time are you guys going to perform?" I asked turning to Zach. " In approximately 5 minutes princess, so I gotta go." he said. He placed a chaste kiss on my forehead and left, squeezing his way through the over packed crowd.

   "Princess." Logan said raising an eyebrow, "and when did he start kissing you.". " It's complicated." I replied. "Lily." Logan said, his tone dangerously serious. "Not now Logan, please, not here." I replied calmly. "Fine." he said. I know he wasn't happy about that at all, it was written all over his face.

   "Let's gather the girls and get this thing organized." I whispered into Liz's ear. It was easy to find all my girls, we all looked like we belonged on a safari tour. I don't know if Elizabeth had some kind of invisible girl whistle but all of the dancers huddled up in one spot as soon as they saw us coming. I walked over and joined the huddle, the overwhelming scent of perfume burned my nose but I didn't mind this was payback time.

  "Annabeth, get the DJ to play the video and tell him we'll give him a thumbs up as the cue." I ordered. Annabeth walked towards the DJ booth and began to have an interesting conversation with him. "Ok girls let's go up on that stage and show those boys what we can do!" I shouted.

   Annabeth came back and joined the huddle. "Good luck girls." I said as we un-huddled. The M.C got up on the stage and introduced the boys. "Ok girls, here's the cue, we'll give them a little spotlight and then we'll snatch it up from right up under them." I said as we walked up to the side of the stage.

   Their music came on and they came out, they looked good, especially Zach. I was gazing at Zach for a few seconds I must admit but then Liz poked me out of my little trance. "You know you've been staring at Zach since the dance started right." she said raising an eyebrow. "I have?" I replied pretending to be blind to the obvious. "Yeah." she replied giving me a weird look. Strange, she was looking at me and I could feel the tinge of jealousy in her look.

    "We have to start." I said changing the topic. Annabeth gave the DJ a thumbs up and the boy's music cut off. Bumping into each other and freezing onstage the boys looked completely foolish. Zach shot me a look and I smiled, a devilish smile. The video came up on the projector screen Annabeth got the DJ to set up on stage, drawing everyone's attention and making the boys walk to the side of the stage.

   The girls and I snuck backstage and waited for our music to start. The video sound cut off and our music came on. Just the way we practiced we came out onstage looking amazing as usual and started to dance. The boys stood there, staring at us with disbelief. Nathan's facial expression was priceless, I could see invisible steam coming out of his ears, that's how mad he was.

   The crowd cheered for us even the boys, Seth, Brandon and Logan cheered for us, we really did kick ass.

   Coming down to the end of the song Zach shot me a smile, but not just any smile, a sexy as fuck, panty dropping smile. It made me blush, just the way he looked at me while he smiled made me want to melt and because of that I almost messed up. I don't think I was the only one who noticed that, 'c'mon Lily focus.', I said to myself.

   When the song ended we received a hearty round of applause followed by the chanting of the words, "anchor, anchor, anchor.". While I walked off stage Logan came up to me saying, "you guys were hot.", then he gave me a short sweet kiss on the lips. "Shall we have a victory drink." he said pulling me towards the bar. "No I'm good." I replied pulling myself back. "C'mon Lil, don't leave me hanging, I insist." he said pulling me again. I gave into his command as he lead me to the bar.

   He pulled me a bar stool then said," one glass of vodka straight and a tequila for the girl.", while he sat down. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I told myself, "it's just a little alcohol it won't hurt.". I opened my eyes took up my glass and shot it down quickly. The crystal clear liquid burned my throat like hell but it tasted great, I wanted more.

   I put back the glass on the counter, "keep it coming." I said smiling. "Whoa, Lily, you sure?" Logan asked. "Are you afraid I can drink more than you." I said in a taunting tone. " Ok, go ahead." Logan said smiling.

   About 7 glasses later I felt good, really good, like super good. "This shit tastes so fucking good," I yelled, "but now I have to pee.". Logan starting cracking up and I shook my head getting up. I felt the sudden urge to throw up in my mouth. "I need to find Zach." I said walking through the crowd. I was swaying from side to side, my knees wobbled with each step but I had the confidence that I could make it. "Urg, too late." I groaned. I felt the puke crawl up my throat and I doubled over, preparing myself to come face first with the floor but instead I felt warm arms grab my waist and hoist me up.

   "Hey, you alright?" the person asked. I turned around to see who the person was, still using his arm to support my dizziness. "Mhmmmmmm." I mumbled with a hiccup then a giggle. I didn't know the guy at all, he seemed nice though. "What's your name?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow, squinted my eyes at him and replied, "my mommy......-hiccup-......... told me......-hiccup-....never to talk to strangers.". He laughed, "well you just did cupcake, don't worry you can trust me." he said.

   I wasn't feeling dizzy anymore so I straightened out myself replying, "it's Lily and yours?". "Gabriel," he replied, "do you wanna dance?". "Sure." I replied. "Wait wasn't I doing something before, oh well, he's hot." I said to myself.

   He pulled me unto the dance floor and the song 'Bailando' by Enrique Iglesias started to play. Our hips moved in sync as we grinded to the music. My body betrayed my mind as we got dirtier on the dance floor, he began to touch my body, caressing it, like he wanted to have me right there on the dance floor.

   My jacket came off and his lips attacked my neck, trailing sweet pepper kisses down to my collar bone; and once he was on my collar bone he nibbled on my skin making me moan in response and I tilted my head to the side to give him more access.

    The sensation I felt throughout my body was overwhelming but the place began to get dark and I hit the floor hard, the last thing I remember is Zach's face, right before I blacked out.

AHHHHHHHHHH! Hey guys! So this chapter was shorter than usual but it was fun af to write. It is suspenseful and I love it. Spoiler alert, I love you guys but the next chapter isn't going to tell you what happened, -evil laugh- it's a Zach's P.O.V.

I promised you guys a Zach P.O.V and it will shed some light on some situations, trust me. So how was it, tell me, was my description on point or what? Finally you'll met Gabriel, I know what you'll are probably thinking, where are all these characters coming from, but you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel, eventually.

So I got a shout out from my book bitch Five_Saucers. She is an amazing writer who writes this fan-fiction DMS||Calum Hood. Yep, yep it's a 5SOS fan fic. So I helped her with chapter 12 and we did an amazing job didn't we. You should totally read her book I'm in it, as the one and only Rosalina Alejandra Maria Cortez aka Lina.

I hope you'll liked this chapter, if you did please vote cause I always love your support it keeps me going. Don't be silent readers comment, do you normally read books silently, I know I don't, but I'm crazy so yh. BM me people, I wanna hear BM's from around the world that'll be sooooooo cool.

So BM me, comment, vote and follow me, LilyLover55. I love you guys so, so much and I'll try to update as frequently as possible but with exams coming up I can't be online regularly and the typing is overwhelming, but I'll try, for my readers I'll try. I have practicals coming up, Theatre and Music. So yeah I'm the real life Lily, basically, wish me luck though. Tell your friends about my book, family, neighbor, random stranger, lol, just tell them read cause I love your support so much. Until next time. Toodles. -Lily-

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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