Chapter 9

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Still Zach's P.O.V people so yeah.

    Reaching to Coldstone we ordered our ice-cream and began walking down the sidewalk; we talked about family during our stroll, more specifically Logan. My dad's club was right opposite us and Lily was staring, I knew what she was thinking; she was a dancer, hearing music.

    "Can we go Zach?" she asked. " Lily." I replied. "Why?" she asked getting a bit agitated. "Because..well..just no okay." I said calmly. The truth is that since my dad owns the club there is a 99.9% chance that Logan will be there, half drunk. Whether she likes it or not; I don't want her around him, period.

     I pulled her hand, towards the car park so we could make our way back to campus; but being the stubborn ass Lily she is, she pulled her hand back and said, "I'm not your daughter, I'm going whether you like it or not; I was simply being polite because we came together but I have legs of my own ane I can damn well use them". Internally I chuckled at her sass and attitude, it was being to grow on me and I won't deny that's it's very attractive. I zoned out for a few seconds only to find out she had walked away from me and was currently making her way over to the club. "Lily!" I yelled after her but she just kept on walking. It took me four of my regular strides to catch up to her. I could see her frustrated steps as she tried so desperately to get away from me but her short legs weren't cooperating, it was so adorable it made me laugh.

    "Fine I'll come." I replied giving in to her, "but you can't stray.". I smiled slyly. "I told you you aren't my father." she said in an annoyed tone complimented with her Lily Montiago eye roll. "C'mon Lily." I said as I  wrapped my arm around her waist; she wasn't the least bit uncomfortable or fazed, she just seemed a bit curious as to why.

        We walked up to the entrance, bypassing the long line of people waiting to get in and headed straight for the velvet rope; where our bouncer, Lucas stood in front of Lily. Logan always brings under aged girls here, even when the club wasn't dad's own. I don't do that for people, well not regularly, I brought a few girls from the dance team back in high school here, but it was strictly for dance only. 

    Grandpa always let Logan do whatever he wanted and when he died last year Logan was devastated, he actually showed real emotions. I gave him the 'she's with me look' and he moved aside. Then Lily gave me a suspicious look, I just shrugged pretending not to know what just happened. The atmosphere already had me feeling thirsty, so the first place we went towards was the bar.

   I RARELY DRINK in public, I have an alcohol cupboard in the dorm but no one knows about that but me. It's all about self control for me; I don't like to lose control of who I am so I don't drink in public places, not even in dad's bar. Meanwhile Logan is the opposite. He drinks wherever and whenever he wants, he doesn't care if he gets drunk and knocks up some poor unfortunate girl. I ordered a coke and Lily was missing, typical Lily; I should've known she'd sneak off the second we stepped foot into the hype atmosphere. Should I even bother looking for her, I had a fair idea of where she would be so I continued to drink my coke, observing my surroundings.

    They started to play 'La Viva Es Un Canaval', so I guess my guess was right; that little miss Latina was on the dance floor with some random guy shaking what her mama gave her, and her mama gave her a lot. 

   After a few moments of uncertainty, I found out that my guess was partially wrong; she was dancing alright, but not with some random stranger, she was dancing with my brother. Lily and Logan have a habit of meeting each other in hazardous ways; from the looks of his soaking wet shirt I figured this time was no different. The song ended and I gave the bar attender the glass. Skimming through the crowd I strarted looking for Lily but she was nowhere in sight. Dang I need to put a bell on this girl.

The Life of a Juilliard Dancer Book #1Where stories live. Discover now