Chapter 15

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"The rest of you may head back to your dormitories, Mr. Woods, Ms. Montiago please come with me." Mr. Edwards said. I was feeling really awkward following my principal to his office , after all I was wearing no pants. Every ever so often I would catch Mr. Edwards stealing a glance at my legs, I really wish I could disappear right now.

I hid myself behind Zach while we were taken to the office. It was really cool in his office though. Spacious, a lot of famous actresses and actors on the wall, like Marilyn Monroe and pretty modern. "Have a seat." he said. Zach and I sat down right in front of his table, the one he was currently sitting behind.

"About 15 minutes ago I received word from my security that two freshmen were caught on tape trespassing in the auditorium after hours. The footage was shot around 10:53 pm and contained the two of you goofing off on the stairs, sadly that's all we have. So is there anything you have to say for yourselves, anything to add to my statement, was anyone else there?" Mr. Edwards stated harshly. My expression was totally blank I was so scared of what would happen next that all I could mutter was, "no one else was there, it was just us, please don't expel me."

He laughed, "Lily, darling I can't expel you, you're one of the best dancers Juilliard has ever seen.". A wave of relief washed over me. "But if no one else was there and you two were the only ones violating my rules that means I have to punish the both of you." he said narrowing his grey eyes at me. Crap, the fear started creeping in again.

"I can't expel you either Zach because you are one of my most talented students and your parents have made a large contribution towards this school." Mr. Edwards said laughing, " But that doesn't make your punishment any less severe.".

I looked at Zach and his facial expression was worse than mine, he was even more scared than me. "You will spend the rest of your Freshmen year doing community service for the Theatre Arts department." Edwards said putting his feet up on the table.

"That's a whole semester!" I yelled, "Drama geeks and dance freaks don't get along quite nicely.". He narrowed his eyes at me. "Yes and is that a problem Ms. Montiago, because I can always find another amazing dancer to replace you." Right then and there I sensed his dominance and authority over me and I wanted to sink down into my chair and just disappear. "N-no sir." I replied. "Very well then, you'll start Monday, Drama starts 4:00 pm so it won't interrupt your dance classes, the Drama President Rosie will see to your daily activities and guide you towards what you have to do." he said becoming his normal self again. I nodded replying, "yes sir.". "You may leave." he said pointing to the door.

Zach and I got up silently and walked quietly out the door. I wasn't very happy with my punishment so I slammed the door. "I can't live with myself knowing I got you into this much trouble." Zach mumbled. "It's ok Zach, I can live through a semester of community service. I won't die and I'm positive the drama geeks won't torture us, we'll live." I said smiling. "You know most of our friends are 'drama geeks'." he said with a smirk. "Yeah, I know." I replied, "that's why I'll try to be nice."

We walked back to our dorm. When I opened the door I was hugged to death by Sky, Lissa and Liz. Austin, Alejandro, Seth and Logan were sitting on the couch. "What did Edwards do to you guys?" Seth asked. "One semester of community service." Zach said walking to his room and slamming the door.

"What got up his pants?" Logan said with a smirk. "He's pissed he got me in trouble." I replied. "Where do you guys have to do community service?" Seth asked. "Theatre Arts Department." I replied. "That's not so bad, Rosie runs the Theatre Arts Department, she's cool................................and hot." Seth said with a smirk.

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow wiping Seth's cocky smile off his face. "It was one make-out session Liz, I was horny, you don't own me now." Seth said. Liz shook her head, "I don't want to own you Seth, you're an egotistical player, I'm good with just that one make-out thing." Liz replied. "You are so cocky Liz you know you want me." Seth said. "Your head is up your ass Seth I don't want you." Liz replied with a scoff. "Okkie guys," Alyssa said interrupting Seth and Liz, "it's late so I'm going to bed.". "She's right, it's late go to your dorms and get some sleep." I said unlocking the door. Everyone said their goodnights and left.

"I wonder if Zach's ok." I mumbled walking up to his room and knocking on the door. "What!" Zach shouted. "Can I come in?" I asked. "....................fine." he replied. I opened the door and walked in. "Your room is surprisingly neat for a guy." I said. He was sitting on his bed so I walked over and sat net to him.

"Zach you can't blame yourself for what happened, you didn't know." I said. " I knew we weren't suppose to be in there, I used my position as Captain as an advantage, I snuck you guys in and we got caught." Zach replied, "Lil, if I didn't go in there with you guys , you wouldn't have gotten in trouble. If I hadn't lifted you up and refuse to put you down the cameras mightn't have caught us. I fucked up." I cringed as he swore and restrained from yelling, 'language.'. "Zachary Woods!" I yelled. "If you're trying to sound like my mother it's Zachary Damion Woods." he replied with a smirk. "Whatever, just stop it!" I yelled. "Stop what Lily Montiago." he replied. "If your trying to sound like my mother it's Lily Maria Montiago." I replied with a smirk. "Touché." he said. "Touché.' I replied.

"You're like the older brother I never had and I love you ok." I said, "so stop blaming yourself. A mistake is a mistake we all make them.". I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "goodnight Zach.". I got up and walked towards the door. "Goodnight princess." he replied. I closed his door and proceeded into my bedroom.

I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth because yep, my mouth still tasted like Austin. I was not kidding when I said I had to go brush my teeth. My mouth lingers of salt water and popcorn -shudders-. I put on my AC, wrapped myself up in my warm, cozy blanket and a few minutes later I was fast asleep.

Hey guys, this chapter was quite short but nevertheless I hope it was still good. I'm in Form 4 now so that means lots of studies and not a lot of free time but I'll try as best as possible to update because I owe it to my readers.

For all you Zily fans good news ,Lily told Zach she loved him and bad news, in a brotherly kind of way. I know a lot of you ship Lily and Zach but sadly things just don't seem to be going that way but you never know what strange turn of events can happen. ;-).

I put up a picture of Mr.Edwards, to all my girl readers if he was your principal wouldn't trouble be your favorite class? Lmao. The point is he's suppose to be hot, he punishes girls with his smile. If he gives punishments then I sure as hell want to get in trouble, Kevin Zeggars is sooooooo sexy.

I'm really looking forward to reading your BM's I really wanna hear them , I'm super stoked. So follow me, vote and comment on my book. I really do try so I'll love feed back. Bye guys, mwah! -Toodles- -Lily-

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