Chapter 8

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A//N: This is still Zach's P.O.V, btw unless I put Lily or someone else's P.O.V up here the previous P.O.V will continue. I know some writer's tend to put the person's POV above every new chapter so I'm just throwing it out there in case you got a little confused. I know I always am 😅😬😂. Ok I'll shut up now; unto the chapter.


    "Nathan!" I yelled trying to get his attention. "Huh." he replied not even paying the least bit of attention to me. He had no dignity whatsoever. Thank God they weren't naked, he was having her on the couch sitting down, and her dress fell perfectly, covering up the dirty deed they were performing; his facial expression and her moans however, gave it away. I gave up trying to get his attention and just said what I had to say , "We have a performance to do at the club on Saturday, Wednesday you'll come and deal with it.". 

     "Yeah." he replied breathing hard. I turned around and was about to walk away when I remembered Denise was there. "Oh and Denise." I said turning back around, "he humps and dumps." He smiled a devious smile and I couldn't help but smirk.

   "Bye Zachary." she moaned out all seductively proceeding to eat his face off. "Bye guys." I said walking back to my dorm. It was about quarter past seven. I went into my room and took a bath. I put on my sleeping clothes which was just boxers. You would think for a guy who dances I would have no abs or anything, but that's where you're wrong; I lifted weights when I was 16 to gain upper body strength for lifts in ballet and contemporary, so I ended up in the gym a lot; I managed to gain and maintain my abdominal muscles quite perfectly. Rolling into my bed I tried to sleep but I couldn't so I decided to go outside and watch a movie. 

      Scrolling through my Netflix account I decided to put on an old movie; I got comfy on the couch and about 30 minutes later Lily walked outside. From the minute she stepped out that door my eyes were glued to her. She poured some milk and when she turned around she saw me looking at her she jumped. When her heart rate returned to normal she came over. "What are you wearing?" we both asked at the same time. She was wearing a huge jersey that reached right under her ass. This really wasn't helping my hormone levels. "This is what I sleep in." we both replied at the same time. 

     Just by looking at her I was getting hard; she was turning me on so I decided to look away. Being polite however, I asked her if she wanted to watch the movie with me and she agreed to it. We were about halfway into the movie when she began to relax and unconsciously she laid her head down on my chest. Realizing what she'd done she quickly shot herself back up. To be honest it was ok for her to do that, it felt natural. "You can lie down if you want to." I said trying desperately to hide the nervousness in my voice. Willingly she obliged and made herself comfortable; it made me do the same. She made me feel comfortable around her and I guess that's what it took for me to be able to fall asleep.

     It was about 3 am when I woke up and she was still asleep on me. She looked like an angel; she shifted so many times that her jersey rode up on her stomach. She was so beautiful, so playful. Why now, why'd I have to find her now. I took her up bridal style and carried her to her room. While going there she yawned like a kitten and opened her eyes partially, still in between sleep. "Go back to sleep Lily." I said quietly, smiling down at her. She smiled back and snuggled up to my chest falling back into deep sleep once again. I opened the door, holding her carefully with my left arm and my right knee and walked up to her bed putting her gently down and pulling the cover over her petite body. The AC was really cold here. I was walking away when she said, "Goodnight Zach.". I turned around saying, "goodnight princess.". I saw her smile then close her eyes. That's right, she was my princess. Damn she got me real quick.

     The piercing sound of my alarm clock woke me up. "Urg." I groaned. I rolled off the bed and got ready for class. Today I planned for the girls to wear dresses so they could get accustom to the dress code. I also planned on doing partners today and I also have to teach choreography to the ending of the song. I threw on my clothes after showering and wrote a sticky note. 'Girls, you have to wear a dresses and heels, HAIR DOESN'T MATTER!'. I stuck it on Alyssa's energy bar and hurried to the studio. 

The Life of a Juilliard Dancer Book #1Where stories live. Discover now