Chapter 7

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    I opened my eyes; instant pain coursed through my skull, it was like tiny little people tap dancing on my brain; it was neither cute nor fun, my head was pounding. Turning around I took a glance at my alarm clock, 3:28 am. "Great, why the hell am I up so early" I groaned. Shifting my body back around to lie down I felt a second presence in my room; I wasn't alone, a pair of piercing green eyes were staring at me so I did the most rational thing I could do at the moment, I jumped letting out a little scream. "You scared me." I complained at a laughing Zach, whacking him on his arm. "What the heck happened." I mumbled sitting up. "Drink." he said as I hastily brought the water bottle up to my lips and gulped it down like a fish out of water.

     "You passed out Lily, are you alright?" he asked in a very concerned voice. "Yeah, panic attacks do that to me, I'm use to it, but most importantly, are you alright?" I asked leaning back on my pillow. "Yeah I'm okay." he said forcing a smile that didn't meet his eyes. "No you're not, what happened with you at the club?" I asked."Nothing Lily, really it's nothing." he replied. "Stop lying to me Zach," I said clearly getting frustrated, "I met you yesterday and you were all cocky and arrogant, but now here I am sitting with a sweet Zach that cares about my well being, what's wrong?". 

     "Tomorrow." he said said taking a breath before getting up. He was about to leave when I whispered, "please don't go Zach, please.". He turned to me his eyes glistening, "fine I'll tell you why, but you should get comfortable this may take a while.". I got comfy under my covers and he laid down at the edge of my bed." I won't bite, yet," I said in a cocky tone, "you can come around.". He smirked, "okay."


Zach P.O.V

     I opened my application letter to Juilliard with high hopes. I know it's not likely for a guy to be really excited over an application to a Dance and Performing Arts School but hey, it's my dream at least I can live it.

    Carefully pulling the paper out, I slowly read it out loud to my overly excited parents. "Thank you for applying to Juilliard blah, blah, blah, we are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into The Juilliard School of Dance and Performing Arts." I read. I was hugged to death by my mother and given a pat on my back by dad. 

     Both my parents went to Juilliard so this is a really big deal for them. "Yes!" I heard someone from another room shout. Yep he got in, it's official my brother doesn't have a mind of his own. When I decided I wanted to go to Juilliard, Logan decided, 'hey why not follow big brother Zach and ruin his life for two more years.' It's like you do something good right, then your younger sibling comes and does the same thing and all of a sudden they did it better. 

     I'm pretty sure if I won the noble prize tomorrow my parents would be like 'good job' and if Logan wins it the day after they'll be like 'amazing, spectacular, you are the best son, why couldn't Zachary be more like you.'. We planned on leaving tomorrow so Logan and I had to pack. I was in my room packing when Logan came in and dove on my bed. 

  "Do you mind." I muttered turning around. "No I don't, go ahead you're not bothering me." he said with a smirk. I just turned around and continued my packing. "So me and you dancing again, huh." he said. "You never liked to dance in the first place, what makes you so excited to go to Juilliard all off a sudden?" I asked suddenly curious.

    "Three words," he replied, "Hot dancer chicks.". "You should be careful how much you fuck Logan; we wouldn't want you using Viagra at the age of 22 now would we." I said with a smirk. "You're just jealous because Taylor Moore gave me head and you had a crush on her." he said with a cocky tone, "all I want in that lame excuse for a school is some girls to fuck hard.". "Get a life." I replied tapping up the box that was currently full and getting another box. 

The Life of a Juilliard Dancer Book #1Where stories live. Discover now