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"Alright Zoe, tell me something I don't already know."
Lucifer and Malphas met Zoe at a bar, not far from the bunker.
"Well, Lucifer," she started, "there's a man in there by the name of Jakob Sanders. His wife, Julie, is pregnant with twins. The angel Kallisandria wants to turn him into a hunter, but the Winchesters think that he should stay with his wife."
"I think we should use him to our advantage," Malphas spoke up, "he could be useful."
"Useful how?" Zoe asked.
She sighed. "Let's just say...the more you care about someone, the more you hurt when they're gone."
"So you're just going to kill those little innocent kids?" Zoe asked.
"Of course I am."
"No." She replied.
"Excuse me?"
"No," she repeated, "you aren't. You're gonna have to kill me, and the Winchesters, and every angel that I can call out to. You don't stand a chance."
"You know," Malphas turned to Lucifer, "Zoe has been very rebellious lately, don't you agree?"
"Yeah," Lucifer nodded, "I know. But I like the spark in her. Don't you see it?"
She felt the archangel blade in her jacket pocket, like it was burning hot.
"It's useful in times like these. She's a pawn in our own little game of chess."
No, she couldn't use it yet. Hell wasn't open, she couldn't risk it with Malphas there.
"You talk about me like I'm not even here." Zoe said out loud. "Do you want me to go back to the bunker," she continued, changing the subject, "or do you want me to stay?"
"Go back." He answered. "Make up something. I don't care what it is. Oh, and, at your earliest opportunity, bring us Kallisandria."
Lucifer smiled.
The next thing Zoe saw was the front door to the bunker.
"Goodbye to you, too," she muttered, then opened the door.
At the mere sight of her, everyone in the living room took out their angel blades.
"Zoe," said a voice in her head. It was Kelsey.
"Woah," she put her hands up, "is this about me leaving last night?"
"What are you doing here?" Kelsey asked. Why did you leave?
"Yeah, why else?" Thomas said, "where did you go?"
"I'm still on your side." She replied. "Don't worry. Please. You have to believe me."
"I got scared, I'm sorry." She responded. "I thought you only wanted me for my archangel blade, and then you were gonna kill me. Now, I realize that was a stupid idea."
Thomas slid his eyes at Kelsey, who shook her head.
"What are you talking about?" Kelsey asked.
"Zoe," Claire stepped in, "you should know us better than that."
"I'm on your side." She responded.
"I'm sorry," Zoe apologized, "I know it was stupid."
"Kelsey," Thomas asked, "can we talk in the hallway for a second?"
Kelsey gave a final look towards Zoe before her and Thomas disappeared into the hall.
Zoe sat down awkwardly on the couch. No one had fully put their angel blades away, and Dean and Castiel were still staring at her.
Zoe heard Kelsey and Thomas fighting in a whisper in the hallway.
When they came back in a few minutes later, Kelsey and Thomas looked angry at each other.
"Are you sure?" Thomas asked, running after Kelsey.
"Positive." She replied. "And if you think otherwise, the door is right over there." She pointed to the door heading out of the bunker. "I'll hold it open for you."
"Kelsey," Thomas raised his voice. She stopped immediately and turned around to face Thomas. He continued. "I don't want anyone to get hurt. Not like last time. It's not worth it. Two people have already died because all of us were being stupid. I don't want anyone else to suffer."
Kelsey was silent. Everyone in the room was silent. No one dared to breathe.
"No one else is dying," Zoe finally said, standing up, "not for me. For you. For anyone. We can win this. You have before."
"We? Not when you keep switching sides, Zoe." Thomas blurted out. Zoe narrowed her eyes. "Yeah," he continued, "I know you went back to Lucifer and Malphas. Kelsey seems to still have faith in you, but I have absolutely none. I don't know about the rest of us, but I can't deal with a person who can't decide what they're fighting for. So maybe I should show you where the door is."
Zoe clenched her jaw. The only sound in the whole bunker was the sound of her heavy breathing.
"Zoe," Kelsey finally spoke up, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave, I'm sorry."
"Keep the angel blade," Zoe heard in her head, "you know what to do. And you'll know when."
Zoe looked over to Kelsey, who nodded. She turned around and headed out the door, never to come in again.

Heaven and Hell: The Final ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now