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"Well that was just great," Zoe said as they stumbled back into the warehouse, "now the angels are going to come after us, more than likely."
"Hey," Lucifer replied, relaxed, "at least we weren't left in there. And besides, I wanna see the look on the Winchester's faces when they find what you did." He giggled, pointing to Malphas. She cracked a smile, and Zoe shrugged it off. "How many people would you say were in there, maybe 30? All on one! And you know whatever angel was there is gonna tell the Winchesters, so they, of course, just have to investigate."
"I'll...be right back," Zoe told them amongst their giggling.
She went outside and closed the door behind her, then reappeared in a park not too far from the warehouse. The night was cool, just warm enough to where she couldn't see her breath. The wind picked up, rustling the leaves on the trees.
"You requested to meet," a voice said from behind her, "I've been waiting out here long enough."
"Kallisandria," Zoe said, turning around.
Kelsey stepped out of the shadows from behind the warehouse and onto the rocky gravel driveway. She walked over to Zoe, and got as close to her as she could. She leaned in close, and was inches from Zoe's face when she said, "I know you were at the diner. I know that you are an angel, who was made to protect man, but did absolutely nothing to save 26 people. But I also know that there is good still in you."
"This isn't what I wanted to talk to you about-"
"I'm willing to let you come back over," she continued, disregarding Zoe, "this time. But only this time. We'll offer you protection, if that's what your worried about. You don't have to die a bad person. You can redeem yourself, I promise you. But after today, I'll treat you just like Lucifer or Malphas, and you better believe that I'll stomp you into the ground, and I won't even do as much as flinch at the sight of you lying on the ground with a knife in your back."
"I didn't come here to fight," Zoe responded, emotionless, "but rather to do the opposite. We want a truce."
"A truce?" Kelsey repeated. "You're asking us to put down our weapons so we can kneel over and die? Did Lucifer ask you to do this? Zoe, you know what he does, he manipulates you. You feel sorry for him, he's so misunderstood, whatever else he makes you think, but he's not. He's just a big angel with an even bigger temper, and when God paid more attention to the humans than he did to us, Lucifer got angry. And he ran around, breaking all of daddy's toys, and you know what that got him?" Kelsey's words were running together by this point, so she took a deep breath and slowed down. "A special place to rot in hell. So you can tell me he's misunderstood all day, but you must remember something: you aren't a demon; you don't fit in with them, and in the back of your mind you know they're all too tempted to stab you in the back, literally."
"We're family, Kallisandria," Zoe whispered, "and I have to stick with my family."
"Who?" Kelsey asked, "you and Lucifer? Because certainly you weren't meaning you and I." She paused, and added, "With that mindset, you're no family of mine."
And with that, Kelsey vanished. Zoe was left alone. She stood there for a few seconds, then went back to the warehouse.
"She didn't want a truce, Malphas," she sighed, llike you said she would. She may be an angel, but she isn't stupid."
"Is she still working with the Winchesters?" Malphas asked. "After what happened in Michigan, you know."
"I'm not sure," Zoe replied, "she didn't say anything about them."
"Probably not," Lucifer interjected, "knowing them, they would have either killed her or kicked her out. And she's still alive."
"So you think they're two separate things now?" Zoe asked.
"Not necessarily," Lucifer replied, "Dean is the decision maker, Sam sometimes has second thoughts. And angels, well, they never stop protecting humans." Rolling his eyes, he continued. "So my guess would be that Dean doesn't miss her, Sam does, and Kelsey is trying to help them without either of them noticing."
"So," Malphas asked, "what's our next move, since you're so knowledgeable about the Winchesters?"
Lucifer thought about it for a few seconds; Zoe could see it in his face. When he finally replied, he said, "We've got to kill Kallisandria."

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