chapter 22 - vulnerable

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Chapter 22 – vulnerable

Chaelin's POV

I was taken to this Hibiki guy who was weird looking. He had scale-like marks on his face and body. He was supposedly the peace corps head as told to me by frog head. The frog head warned me to not be cocky with this guy. She also had told me it's best if I avoided politely.

" You over there " is what he addressed me as. This time there were more entities. Around 70 all together. I felt stage pressure.

" You are human yet you see yokai. How is that possible " he shot his question at me.

" I wish I knew that myself and I could avoid all this " I answered. He took down something on a piece of paper.

" How are you affiliated with Miyouku? " he asked and In short I answered

" I'm her granddaughter " and he looked at me and checked me out in a weird way.

" Why did she adopt you? " he asked me and I said

" I don't know but she did " I answered as politely as I could.

" Why didn't you go back to your parents even though they were alive, even though they wanted you back " he shot and where did he get all this information from. From where? I stared blankly at the ground getting ready to face my worst fear. The one thing I hated.

" Because I didn't want to " I said and I could feel my voice fading. My hands sweating.

" How did your sister, Shiyon Hamasaki die " they asked and it ringed in my ears a million times. How did they ---

No! What am I going to answer. Cuz I killed her?

Or she died because of me?

I felt cold. Cold on the inside. My brain recollecting all the images. Her pale blue eyes. Her short black hair. I looked at guy infront of me and I blacked out.

" Miss Hamasaki wake up " someone called me while sprinkling water in my face. What are they doing? Why do they still want me to answer.

A guy came towards me and he generated a white ball in his hand. He pierced it through my chest and I could feel the pressure in my heart. The new object put inside of me was heavy and an antibody. It hurt.

" How did Shiyon Hamasaki, your sister die " they asked and the answer seemed to just pop up like it was planned. Like someone staged it for me. The words started to fall out of my mouth when I sucked my teeth hard to prevent it and pain erupted in the middle of my chest.

"Tch " I squealed and the guy smiled.

" That's a candor fear inserted in you. You have to tell the truth. The more you delay answering the more pain it causes " he said. What evil are these people are trying to do.

" She—She died during a battle. She was killed " I said. I felt attacked. I felt like I was striped and someone dug every feeling I had inside of me. As though I was a doll they manipulated.

I felt so insecure. The pain got more worse and tears started rolling out of my eyes.

" What do you know about yokai disappearances and the alliances that are being formed " he asked and I answered that quickly.

" I do not know " and he believed me with ease now that he had out that thing in me.

" Who were the samurai who took you? " he asked and this was okay to answer but I could barely stand. I fell down and the pain got worse.

" I do not know " I said and I couldn't breathe anymore. The white thing was invading my body infiltrating every artery and I couldn't hear what they were saying. 

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