chapter 21 - the hearing

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Chapter 22 – The Hearing

Chaelin's POV

" Wake up " a voice called out and I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. That's weird my rooms not---- oh wait I'm at the prison. It was froggy again.

Today was the hearing. She took me to the room and I saw three people sit there wearing white clothes and veils and masks concealing their faces. Wait, all the weird entities, lets say that cuz they weren't human. They made me stand infront of those three and there were entities on either sides. Not a lot but about 10 on each side.

" Miss Chaelin Hamasaki, you are from Tsuchiusa am I right? " they asked and I answered yes. I didn't like this interrogation. I didn't like the direction this was going.

" You were adopted by Miyouku Hamasaki? " they asked and I nodded yes.

" What happened to your parents? Another one asked " ..... No!! I did not want to go there. This was intrusion into my personal life. Information that I hide so deep from everyone. And why do I have to tell them?

" Miss Hamasaki, are you okay? You don't look so good " another said and my face was going to explode.

" What do you mean by that? Of course I'm not okay with weird looking creatures prying into my life and information " I barked at them when they all got looked stunned.

" Do you know who we are? " one asked and I kept quite. I did not react.

" We are the Heiwa and we protect peace " he said.

" I do not know what I have done to be here. To be accused of harming this, peace you're protecting. Why am I answerable to you?" I said and they looked closer into my face.

" Anger and arrogance doesn't work here " one said and they all looked at each other. And agreed on something. Phew. I avoided talking about it for today. And I do not know for long I can keep this up.

" You will face trial with Master Hibiki " he said with a grin.

Rikuo's POV

The person to go and ask about this was the man, the eagle eye of the yokai world, Naru-dono. He had intel and information and networks. A Rurousha obviously.

" Naru-dono I'm here on important business. I want to know how to get to the Hewai's main house " I said when the calm face he had changed. He looked at me and carefully examined me.

" May I ask why? " he asked me and I muttered personal business.

" Ah! a woman I see " he said when I lost it and fell down. Why is everyone saying that?

" You want to infiltrate but it's hard " he said delaying the answer to my question.

" No. But tell me quickly! Now " I demanded. And he did. On a piece of paper, he wrote a map sort of thing and gave it to my hand.

" Be careful I've heard these peace people aren't that peaceful actually " he warned me. He was the one guy to listen to. Without delay I left the place to go to Hyori's.

" Hyori " I called out in the living room. I now could yes, barge in and she wouldn't mind.

" Rikuo kun come in " she said and brought her phone towards me to show me something.

" She text and she said she's okay and she asked that nut head to not come here cuz things would get worse " she said and I assumed I'm the nut head. Worse to the worst I'm going to kill them all if they come in my way.

" Shall we go? " Hyori asked and I grinned cuz I thought I had to convince Hyori but tch she's on my side.

" What happened to your grandma? " I asked Hyori as I talked to her earlier and she replied with a sad tone.

" She's in another dimension no one knows which " she said sighing but immediately recovered and her eyes suddenly got scary.

" I'm not going to let anyone take my Chae away " she said clenching her fists. I admired her love for Chaelin and how she always looked after her.

" Rikuo, arigatou, for always helping even though she's a rampant " she said smiling and I couldn't help but think of that raven-haired hot mess. She got me chasing after her and now some council. A good break from my usual boring life. 

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