chapter 10 - pieces from the past

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Chapter 10

Chaelin's POV

Everything was white. I felt like someone gonged my head. I felt dizzy. Pain erupted at the back of my right shoulder.

" Tch.. " I squealed. I could hear my heart beat. I could hear footsteps. Someone was speaking. And their words hit my ears like sounds made by gunshots. I was gasping. Where am I now?

" Chaelin.....Chaelin "

A familiar sweet voice. Hyori. I could see her looking straight down at me. Her eyes were teary but oh joy! I'm home.

" Ackkkk " I squealed as it hurt when she tried to hug me. It did not hurt as much it should've for some strange reason. She moved back and gave me space. I also saw Nura.

" Nura you okay? " was the first thing I spoke. He came forward and nodded yes.

" Thanks to you " he said and smiled. And Hyori was smiling but she was still teary. She smiled and bowed to Rikuo thanking him.

" How is the pain? " he asked me and I made a peace sign at him. Yep. I can take the pain. I had an IV, which had two tubes. I guessed saline and morphine by how the room smelt. I was getting drowsy. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I still felt like my head was way too heavy. My speech started to slur. I couldn't move my shoulder.

" I'll come to check on her " ...... " and don't worry I'm going to send people to stay here and guard you guys " he was talking to hear. I had no visuals but I could hear them.

" Thankyou. Would you like some more tea? " she asked him in a welcoming tone. So they're planning on talking? I don't know. I couldn't take it anymore. I embraced the sleep that was knocking my brain out. I drifted away and I felt afloat and at peace.

Rikuo's POV

" Nura kun thankyou for bringing her back. I greatly appreciate your help " Hyori said while pouring tea. Now was the opportunity to ask her questions since she felt better.

" How did you, a spell caster end up with her? " I asked Hyori.

" My parents died. Her parents abandoned her. We have a hood back home in downtown Tsuchiusa. We had a grandma in the hood. She was a yokai. She took us in. We were a secluded community of half yokai or part yokai. And even humans whose ancestors were yokai. So according to grandma, Chaelin's ancestors were yokai as well. But no one knows what happened to those ancestors and what happened to their decedents and how they turned human " she explained. I listened patiently.

" Do you think this thing has anything to with that? Her parents? Are they alive? " I asked her sipping my tea. She thought for a while carefully choosing her words.

" That's what I don't know. Her parents did come back for her a few times after they abandoned her. But our grandma wasn't ready to give Chae up. She loved Chae a lot, among all four us. Chae was the second youngest and somehow grandma and her bonded " she explained.

" Four of us? " I questioned Hyori back.

" Oh yes. Sorry. We have a brother. He is the eldest. He works for a dojo and keeps harm away from it. It's near the far away mountains. He is affiliated to the master there. I am the third oldest. I work here in Roppongi and live with Chaelin. She works at the local ramen stall. And we had another sister. The second oldest among us. She passed away a few years ago " she said with her lips changing to a sad expression.

" I'm sorry. I shouldn't ask you anymore perhaps " I said and she interrupted.

" That okay. You're always welcome to ask any questions. To me. With Chaelin you might have a problem. She doesn't open up well " Hyori said. And I smiled.

" Yeah. Your naive sister was jogging around the forest at 3 am in the morning " I told her. Her jaw dropped. And she glared at Chaelin, even though she was sleeping in an attempt to telepathically scold her.

" OMG gomenasai " she exclaimed.

" She's a troubled child. After our older sister passed away she took it all on her and blamed it all on herself. Shiyon was closest to Chaelin. She knew everything about Chaelin. She opened up to Shiyon easily and loved her way to much to only see Shiyon die right infront of her eyes. And the fact that she never understood why grandma never gave Chaelin back even though her parents came for her took a toll on her then. She's definitely naïve. She gets annoyed pretty soon. But she's a total sweetheart too " Hyori told me.

" Yeah, she just sprung to protect me from the sword without hesitating " I said smiling looking down at my cup. It was late in the night. I made phone calls to the house to assign people here.

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