Ex-boyfriends and commitments

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I was glad that Dean and I had made up, I couldn't imagine my life without him and I wanted to take our relationship to the next level but i knew that Dean wasn't keen on the whole idea of marriage. However, i hoped that one day he would reconsider. For me.


I pressed the stop button on the treadmill I was using and turned around to see my ex-boyfriend making his way towards me. I hadn't seen him since we broke up a few years ago

''Oh hi" I said awkwardly

"How have you been?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me for a hug

"Good thanks. You?'' I said as I pulled away from him

"I'm good. So how's your love life? Got a special someone?" Mike asked

Mike and I had been together for three years and I cared about him a lot but I never imagined spending the rest of my life with him. We were just too different and ultimately we wanted different things. 

"Uh yeah I'm with someone" I answered

"Anyone i know?" 

"No you wouldn't know him" I replied

I sensed that he was still a little bitter about how we broke up so i was careful about how much i told him. He had proposed to me and ar the time I said no, he was devastated and we split up because of it but he never let me explain to him why I denied his proposal

"You know Seth. If we were still together, we'd probably be married by now" Mike reminded me "This man of yours. Does he feel the same way as you do about marriage?"

"I don't see how that's any of your buisness'' I replied defensively

Mike smirked, seemingly pleased with himself ''Seems you made the right decision after all"

* * *

I had never been big on marriage, I thought it was overrated and unnecessary, not to mention blown out of proportion by some. People go crazy planning weddings, sometimes spending thousands and it was never something i ever thought i wanted or necessary needed in life, until i met Seth. I had never believed in love either, until i met Seth. I never knew what real love was, until I met Seth. He'd managed to restore my faith in human beings and he had given me everything I had ever wanted in a partner. I was finally happy and although it was still early days. I knew that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. He made me a better person and I wanted everything with him.

So while Seth was at the gym I went to a jewelry store and bought him a ring. It took me an hour to pick out the perfect one and I was now sat on the bed waiting for him to get back. 

* * *

Seeing my ex again made me realize just how much I really wanted to get married to Dean. I wasn't ready for marriage when I was with Mike, but now I was. The only problem was that Dean didn't feel the same. I swiped my room key and opened the door to find Dean waiting for me on the bed.

"Hey babe" Dean said as I walked past him "Good workout?"

"Great" I replied as I made my way into the bathroom



"What's wrong?"

He knew me too well "I'm fine. I just need a shower"

"Seth I know when you're lying" Dean reminded

"I bumped into my ex at the gym" I admitted 

''Did he say something to you?'' Dean asked

''Yeah he said a few things''

"And now you're being all off with me. I get it" Dean stated "So what's this all about huh? Are you gonna tell me that you still love him or something?"

"No I was going-"

"You know what Seth. Save it!!" 

He left slamming the door behind him

* * *

I didn't need to ask to know who Seth was talking about when he said he had bumped into his ex. Seth had told me how things had ended between them. If I was quick enough I would be able to catch him and confront him once and for all. I pulled into the parking lot of the gym and I immediately spotted Mike stood by his car, talking to some guy.

"What did you say to Seth!?'' I shouted as i approached him. The guy he was talking to backed off slowly, probably thinking that I was some kind of maniac

"Look. I don't know what he told you but i didn't mean to upset him'' Mike replied


"I'm guessing you're Seth's boyfriend right?" Mike asked

"Yeah and?" I asked

"Seth and I were together for a long time and I wish that things could have ended differently between us but that's all in the past now'' Mike replied 

"You're still a psycho stalker though" I reminded him "You've been harassing Seth for years and for what? Because he rejected your proposal? Get over it man it was years ago''

''You're right'' Mike replied ''I shouldn't have acted the way I did but i was angry and bitter. I'm over that now and believe or not but i only want the best for Seth''

"Oh really?" I asked unconvinced

"You should ask him" Mike said knowingly

''Ask him what?'' 

''To marry you'' Mike replied

''What's it got to do with you?'' I questioned, he may have been acting nice now but i still didn't trust him 

''I can tell you really care about him'' Mike replied ''Why else would you confront me in a gym parking lot just for just talking to him'' I just stared at him unsure of what to say, he was right but i wasn't going to let him know that ''He wasn't ready for marriage with me but he's ready now, i can tell''

''How do you know?'' I asked skeptically

''When he talked about you his whole face lit up'' Mike answered ''Ask him. He'll say yes''

''I'm planning too but not because you told me too" i replied "don't think for one second that i'm not keeping my  eye on you"

''Hey whatever you say man'' Mike said as he placed his gym bag into the trunk of his car

''Oh and upset Seth again and i won't be so nice'' I warned

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