"W-Wait! What?" Shad stammered out, feeling awfully embarrassed by the situation. "Let me go!"

The drunk released yet another thunderous laugh, "not a chance! Especially not after hearing how successful you were at the Sacred Grove. To Shad!"

"To Shad!" A chorus echoed back in good cheer.

You chuckled at the scene, feeling a light flutter in your chest. There was just something about this moment - of a bunch of sweaty folks raising their over-filled mugs of alcoholic beverages in the air, with upbeat music playing in the background, and seeing Shad join in on the laughter... That made you feel happy.

Maybe this is what you were looking for the whole time?

You loved Ordon Village with all your heart, and you loved the people even more. But you couldn't stay, not anymore. There was just too much sadness associated with the place.

That wasn't the real reason, and you knew it.

You just wanted to be free. More specifically, you wanted to be free from your destiny.

'Made especially for the Hero's Spirit'? Please.

'To love him for an eternity, and to never forget that love'? What a joke.

You wanted none of that. You never asked for any of that. Since the dawn of time, since your very first life, you blindly followed the Gods' will. But what did that do? It just stabbed you in the back, over and over again.

Everything that you've ever wanted... You couldn't have. But now, this moment right here... this was close enough. You were okay with this. You could see yourself spending the rest of your life like this, roaming Hyrule, not as a destined Hero, but just a scholar interested in its vast history.

Yeah, that was okay.

"Now, here's an awfully familiar face."

You were pulled from your reverie by none other than the bar-owner herself: the scantily-clad, flirtatious, kind, and generous Telma.

"Did you come with them, doll?" The middle-aged woman gestured over towards the Adventurer's Guild. "Tell you the truth; I didn't see that coming. Always thought your next visit would be with your handsome hero."

You rolled your eyes at her words. Nonetheless, you gave her the biggest smile you could muster up at that moment. Despite her nosiness, she was a much-valued friend and ally. Telma was like a mother-figure to you. But she was more like a cool mother who, although cared for your well-being, strongly encouraged your... Well, let's just say your more feminine aspects. You had known her for as long as you can remember. She was a close friend of your father, the two being good business partners and drinking buddies.

"How have you been, Telma?"

The older woman grinned back. She leaned up against the bar, supporting herself with her crossed elbows. "I've been good. Can't complain about much." Her eyes seemed to flicker momentarily over towards the group of drunken men while biting down on her lower lip.

You chuckled at her behaviour. Gutsy, bawdy Telma. If anything, you were glad she and her bar at least remained somewhat the same after the defeat of Twilight.

"Anyways, what's on your mind, child? Boy trouble?"

You practically choked on your own saliva before falling off your seat. Thanks to your quick reflexes, you, fortunately, managed to steady yourself by grabbing hold of the bar. Flushing bright red at her words, you rapidly shook your head in denial.

"B-B-Boy trouble?! Heavens no! W-What are you talking about?"

The look in her eyes told you she knew.

"Ha. Don't think you can fool me."

You quickly recomposed yourself. You crossed your arms and turned your head away in an attempt to hide your burning face. Then very pointedly, you said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Deny it all you want, honey. But I see trouble brewing."

You turned back towards the red-haired woman with a confused expression and a question on your lips. But then you saw her tilt her head in an upwards motion and gesture at something behind you. Without thinking, you followed the direction of her finger, only to spot a very familiar face.

"Rusl?" You questioned with genuine curiosity. Hadn't he decided to retire from the Resistance to spend more time with his children? You raised an eyebrow, your expression matching his. "What are you doing here?"


The middle-aged man quickly closed the distance between the two of you. The surprised look quickly melted away, his features now forming an expression that lay somewhere between concern and disappointment. The look he gave you made you feel like a child who needed to be properly disciplined.

At first, you found it odd to the sudden change in his behaviour, but then you remembered.

Oh... That's right.

You had left Ordon without so much as a goodbye.

"I'm glad to see you are doing well, [Y/N]," Rusl began, his tone stern and flat. "We were terribly worried about you... How could you just leave without saying anything?"

You glanced away, a small moment of weakness. You weren't going to lie. It hurt when you thought back to how you had left without saying anything. But doing so would just have made it so much harder.

You needed to be strong.

You were done catering to others. It was about time you took care of yourself - to put your well-being above everything else. You were going to live your life for yourself from now on—no more stupid prophecy about your destiny.

You were going to make your own destiny.

Then you turned back towards him full of resolve. You straightened your posture, lifted your head, and looked the older man straight in the eye without conflict nor fear.

"This is my life. I can do what I want with it," you spoke confidently, "I don't want just to be a shepherd or a storekeeper. I want to just... Continue my adventure for me, and no one else."

Rusl's eyes seem to waver at your words. You held your breath, feeling awfully anxious as you waited for his reaction. Will he be sad? Or perhaps angry? Disappointed? Your concern was put at ease when a very slowly, a proud smile began to form upon the lips of the former Resistance member.

"You've sure grown, [Y/N]." His tone was soft and kind. "You've been gone but a week, and you've already become so mature. I am proud of you."

The older man bowed his head slightly as a polite gesture. "Shall I give your love to the people of Ordon?"

He didn't wait for you to answer, however, before taking his leave. You reacted quickly by jumping from your seat. You spun around, searching for the man - but he was nowhere to be seen.

You chewed on your lower lip, your concern returning at full blast - eating away at your inners. You didn't want Rusl to send a messenger hawk. You didn't want him to know about your current activities or of your location. You just didn't want to think of him anymore.

For once, you just wanted to live for yourself.

⋆✩✮✩ ━━━━━━✩✮✩⋆

[1] You've faced countless terrifying monsters, endured the otherworldly laughter of Zant... ---- Anyone else finds it terrifying? It keeps me up at night. ._.

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