Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: It's official, I can't draw. Also, I suck at writing fight scenes.


Talking to Kurama



"Thanks for the ride." Tazuna said. "No problem." His friend road off and we continued onward. While we were walking, I felt two chakra signatures to our right. Getting tense, I went on high alert.

Hearing a whistling sound, I lowered myself onto the ground. "Duck!" I yelled, and everyone obliged, just in time before a huge sword flew through, embedding itself in a tree to our left. A figure landed on the hilt as he stared at us. Looking at the man, I gave a faint smile before hiding my happiness with scowl.



He smirked. "Heh, it's just a couple of brats. This'll be easy." He looked over to Kakashi, not spotting me. "Ah, Kakashi of the Sharingan. It's an honour to see you." Kakashi scowled.

"Zabuza Momochi, S-rank and one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist."

Grabbing his hitai-ate, Kakashi lifted it up and a sharingan spun in his eye. "Everyone, Stay back and protect Tazuna. This battle is mine." We shifted into position, surrounding Tazuna. Suddenly, Zabuza zipped from the tree to the ground, pulsing large amounts of chakra into the air.

"Kirigakure no Jutsu."

The air thickened and turned into mist as it surrounded the area, making it unable to see. Zabuza was nowhere in sight, and I couldn't detect his chakra.

"Eight points."

I looked up, frantically looking around.

"Liver, Heart, Subclavian Artery, Spine, Larynx, Lungs, Kidneys, Jugular. Which one should I choose?"

Looking at my teammates, I saw that Sasuke was trembling, the kunai in his hand rising. I grabbed it and squeezed it to reassure him. "Don't worry Sasuke. I won't let you guys die." Kakashi said.

"Oh really?"

Zabuza shunshined right to Tazuna but, I recognized it as a clone and swiftly threw a senbon into it's head, causing it to turn into water.

"Heh, I haven't seen you in a long time Rin."

"You too Zabuza-san. How's Haku?" I asked him.

"He's alright. Gotten better in his skills."

I gave a quaint smile before unsheathing my sword. "Sorry Zabuza-san, but unless you tell me your true intentions, I have to eliminate you." I said with a stern look on my face.

Looking at my team, I smiled at them. "We've met a few years ago when I was-" I quickly stopped my words.

'I almost gave my secret out. That was close.'

'Stay alert next time Rin, we don't want your team bombarding us with questions.' I sweat dropped.

'The worst thing to happen was getting disowned, but you're more worried about questions? I can't believe you.'

"Oi! What are you doing Rin? Talking to Mr. 9?" Zabuza asked.

"Yeah, he was worried about something stupid."

'Was not!' He yelled in my head.

Kakashi and the others were shocked when Zabuza talked about Kurama. "And yes, he knows!" I yelled at them.

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