Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or it's characters, they belong to Kishimoto. TO THE MOON IS STILL THE BEST GAME EVAR!!!


Talking to Kurama


I sat in class, bored out of my mind. 'Why do we have to do fricking clone jutsu? It's too f***ing easy.'  I thought to myself.

"Rin Uzumaki?"

"Haiiiiiiiiii." I dragged out the 'i' boredly. Dragging myself out of the chair, I shunshined to the door and slowly walked to the exam room with Iruka.


"As you know Rin, You have to do the Clone Jutsu. Make as many as you want." I stared at Iruka in disbelief. 'He's letting me do whatever? That's a first.' 

"Clone Jutsu." I did a single handsign and out poofed three clones. 

"Iruka-sensei, please throw a kunai straight at the middle of my forehead." I asked him.

"What! Iruka, don't do it." the teacher on the left said.

"Don't worry Mizuki. I know her antics."

Standing, he took out a kunai and threw it directly at my forehead. I waited until it was real close before having my clone put her hand out and take the hit.

It penetrated straight through her hand, almost touching me.

"As you can see, my clones are solid. They can touch anything, and if they get hurt, they still stand until fatally wounded." I dismissed my clones and they poofed away, and I grabbed my now bloody kunai.

"I get all the info from them once they disappear. The only problem is that if they were injured, I take 10% of the damage." I lifted my right hand to show that there was a small scar on both sides.

"I'm done. Can I get my hitai-ate now?" I asked them. The teacher I presumed was Mizuki was wide-eyed and had his mouth open wide. Iruka, on the other hand, had a smile on his face as he beckoned me over. 

"Congratulations Rin, you're officially a genin." He handed me a navy blue hitai-ate*. I smiled at him and grabbed it.

"Thank you, Iruka-sensei. I'll be sure to visit you every once in a while." Bowing to him, I left the academy.

As soon as I was outside, I tied it around my neck and sat on the ground under the tree.

"There, do you see her?" I heard a whisper. 

"It's the Nine Tails! How did she pass?" another one said.

"My son says that's she the top ranking in the class! Even higher than the Uchiha!"

"Why would Iruka let her pass? Demons aren't allowed in this village." said a third one

I clenched my teeth together, tears welling up in my eyes as I held my bloodied kunai, not knowing that it was cutting into me.

Though I may be the top and be quite mature, words will always cut deeper than a knife into me.

I gasped at my bloodied hand. I stood up and smeared the blood on the tree before disappearing into the shadows and back into my apartment.


I went to the bathroom and washed off the blood, Kurama healing my wound.

'Kurama, who were the people talking about me? Tell me who their children are and where they live too.'

'I have a bad feeling about this...'  Kurama sighed. 'Nariko Tachibana, married to Kiyoshi Tachibana. Their son's name is Yosuke Tachibana. They live in the house 4 away from yours. Next is Yuri Tanaka, a widow. Her daughter's name is Hikaru Tanaka. The two of them live in an apartment flat a few blocks away. And finally, Akira Kamigaki. Her husband, Makoto Kamigaki, died when I attacked the village. Her son's name is Takashi Kamigaki. They too live in an apartment on the second floor.'  Kurama gave me the info.

'So... What are you doing to do with the info?' he asked me.

'...I'm going to make them pay by having their children feel the pain that I had.'


That night, I transformed into an older version of myself, with my hair down. Putting on my Hell's Angel gear, and my mask on my face, I jumped out of the window and set off.

I went to Nariko Tachibana's house first, unlocking the door with a bobby pin and carefully walked in, closing the door. creeping upstairs, I opened a door to see Yosuke sleeping peacefully. 'If only if he knew what was going on.'

I opened another door to see his mother. I walked in, making sure not to make a noise. Unsheathing my sword, I raised it up and plunged it into her throat. She didn't react.

I quickly took it out and plunged it in Kiyoshi's throat. His eyes snapped open as he looked in my direction, unable to move his neck. 

"Hell's Angel..." he mouthed before his eyes rolled in the back of his head, blood trailing out of his mouth. I slowly pulled out my sword and let it dangle from my hand, blood dripping from the tip. 

As if in a trance, I walked slowly out of the room and dragged the blood across the floor. I dragged it down the stairs and out of the house. Leaving the door open, I shunshined to my next location.


'Rin, you need to snap out of it! What's wrong? Come on Rin, just stop.' Kurama tried to shake me out, but I pushed him back into my mind and continued to go into my next target, Akira Kamigaki.

I walked up the stairs and unlocked their door. Walking through the living room, I went towards the hallway and opened the first door. Inside was Akira and Takashi. 'They sleep in the same room? This will be harder.'

Carefully going in, I took out two needles and jabbed them in their necks, putting them in a short coma. I carried Akira on the ground and made a slice on her neck. It didn't puncture anything, but it was deep enough for her to die of blood loss by morning.

I opened the window and went towards my last target, Yuri Tanaka.


I entered through the open window that they left in the bathroom. Opening the door, I  carefully walked to another door and opened it to see Hikaru asleep, but he was moving about. I quickly closed the door and went to the last one. Creeping in, I took out a poison laced kunai. Once I was above her, I raised it up high. I swiftly plunged it into her neck, the blood spraying all over my mask.

My eyes widened.

As soon as I had punctured her flesh, I snapped out of my trance.

A surprised look on my face, I shakily stepped away and stared at my bloody hands. 

















"What have I done?"


*hitai-ate = forehead protector


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