Prologue | Fatally Deceiving |

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Hey guys, this is my first Dragon Ball Z and Trunks Briefs Fanfiction! A picture of the OC (Aster) and Trunks above! I got a rough idea on it but I have to re-watch the Z Series in order to understand it completely. I watched it long ago and I can't remember the details. So stay tuned for the first chapter! Thank you!

 So stay tuned for the first chapter! Thank you!

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Fatally Deceiving

Dragon Ball Z Fanfiction


The ruins of Planet Norvasa only hold one message. Everybody's gone. My parents, the people, they're all ripped away from me. An aching sensation pounds in my chest and I suck in a shaky breath.

Why couldn't I have died with them?

My body was so severely damaged that I was hanging onto it by a thin thread. I try to hear a sound. A sound of a Norvasain. I hear nothing. Only the eerie silence of the dark depths of space.

"Mom!" I scream. I slam against the capsule in anger and kick at the glass. "Dad! Gatar! Somebody..."

Tears stream down my face and I sob into my arms, waiting for something to happen. Anything.

What'll happen to me? If only I lost my life alongside my loved ones. But here I am, suffering from isolation and anguish. It won't be too soon before I go to eternal sleep. I can hardly move a muscle.


I gasp.

"Aster-san, it is me, Gatar," Gatar's blurred face appears behind the glass and hope fills my heart. "Can you get out?"

"No," I choke.

"Shield yourself, I am going to blast it open," He says and I turn my back to the door, hugging myself. I cast a shield over me quickly. "Ji! Go! Ku! FUREA!" (Inferno Flare)

A low breath escapes my chapped lips as there was a tingle of heat against my shield. "G-Gatar, your Jigoku Furea really evolved."

Gatar nods. "Are you alright, Aster-san?"

I look around sadly. "No, Gatar, I'm not. I'm about to die. But I'll let it happen."

"You will not and I will not let you," Gatar whispers. "Take my body."

I stare at him in absolute astonishment. "Wh-What?"

"I can not afford to lose another royal Norvasain. King Okalaf and Queen Kuosadoo will never forgive me. My life is not worth living after the destruction of our home planet. I serve only to you now, Aster-san."


"Please, Aster-san!" He bows deeply. "I beg you."

"I-I can't...I-I won't..." I grip my chest, where my heart was nearing a painful halt.

"You can and you will. Just take my hand and your soul will transfer to my body."

"Does that'll die?"

"No," He answers. "I will be able to speak with you even when you are in my body. Our minds will be linked in some way. I simply give the control to you, Aster-san. You deserve to live and avenge your home planet."

Tears fill my eyes again and I finally nod. My lips tighten together to push back the strangled choke on the tip of my tongue. Gatar holds out a hand and I take it shakily.

It was just like stepping out of your clothes. I go considerably lighter and all of a sudden, it was much easier to breathe. The burden is released. The feel of it was heavenly and I relish it. The agonizing scrunch in my chest eases, leaving a soothing and cool sensation behind. I can't feel myself anymore. My battered body collapses in the pod like a rag doll and I become nothing but a small glowing ball with sparks trailing behind. I enter Gatar's body. I was hit with excruciating pain instantly and I keel over as if somebody punched me in the abdomen.

Aster-san, the effect of this technique will hurt but please bear it. It is not easy to fit two minds in one body.

"Y-You're actually speaking to me through my mind?"

Yes. You can speak mentally too. Do not worry; I will not hear your personal thoughts. I will only hear your messages if you mean for me to hear it.

I see.

Where will you go now, Aster-san?

My eyes scan the surrounding planets and they fall upon a vibrant looking blue and white one. It has a strange but good feeling to it.

That's Earth, right, Gatar?

Yes. It is a safe planet where life forms called humans live.

Shall we go there?

It is your choice to make, Aster-san. I will follow whichever path you take.

I'll take the risk. What have I got to lose?

Fatally Deceiving |DBZ & Mirai Trunks F.F|Where stories live. Discover now