chapter 19

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We got to a restaurant named Chu...which was beautiful out side..he parked the car and we got out...we sat at a table by the window and started to look at the menu slowly...

India-wow...this is so beautiful
Chris-Yh...I have a thing for good restaurants
India-well you should be good at dates..
Chris-(putting down menu and have a thinking face on) not..
India-well your doing good so fare...
Chris-ohhh...I didn't no this was a date..
India-me either...(smiling)

After that little conversation....the waiter came and took our oders...

Waiter-what can I get y'all
Chris-ummm ill have a Lutomba Pasta....
Waiter-ok....and ill make sure let them make nice and hot for you..
India-ummm...Daddy...this is very expensive what I won't..
Chris-just get's no problem..
India-well ill get Ribi Steak and potatoes...with Lobster filling on top..
Waiter-ummmm well I'll be back...

I thought to my self this was the best time to tell Chris about the talk I had with Justin and everything before it comes up with out me telling him my self...

India-Daddy...I have something to (gco)
Chris-(looking up)you no I actually like you calling me's sexy..
India-(smiled)well ummm(gco)
Chris-and it's turning me on...
India-well can I stop
Chris-nahh keep going...
India-well....I got bought again..
Chris-what you mean..
India-like some one bought me...
Chris-like what I did.. that...

He looked confused but like he don't give a fuck...but like I can't be serious look on his face as well...

Chris-soooo....what that supposed to mean...
India..well Justin wants me to leave you to go to him...
Chris-what did you say..
India-I said....I want to stay
Chris-well you can go if you want..
India-nooo...I like it here...

The food came and we ate and we was heading back home...I didn't no if he was gone leave me home again or going to stay with me....I wanted him too though...we got out the car and went in side..I went up stairs and saw a spider on my wall...I all most jump out my clothes...I ran down stairs calling Chris name....and he was looking at me like what the fuck....again..

India-Chris a spider is in my room(about to cry)
Chris-were in your room
India-on the wall...go kill it (pushing him up stairs)
Chris-your so asses. .

I stayed down stairs in tell he came back down stairs to tell me it was dead or something close to that...which he did...

Chris -you happy now...
India-yesss(going up stairs)
Chris-run me some water in the tub please...

I started to walk up the stairs again and he started to talked once again...

Chris-and I won't to meet you in it..
India-ill think about it..

I finally got up stairs and to his room and run the what in the tub like he said...and put some bubbles in was cute...I looked in the mirror saying to my self strip and jump in...sooo I did..I took off my clothes and everything underneath it and stepped in the tub filled with water...and sat....I waited like 7 minutes for Chris to walk in talking off his shirt...then looking at me full of lust in his eyes...I end up bitting my his sexy body just standing in the door way...

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