Chapter 9

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We sat down on the couch while I said hi and they said there hellos back..then they started to talk...the tour bus started to move and most of them was smoking with Chris and the rest of them was on there phone laughing...
Then Chris got up and took my in the back of the bus were his room was pretty big for a room in a I started to laugh...

Chris-what's so funny...
India-you won't me to dance for you all ready...
Chris-no...I thought you would won't to get away from all that smoke and stuff(sitting on bed)
India-(sitting on the side of him)ohhhh...
Chris-so what should I call you....India or 24k
India-India is fine...
Chris-ohhh...what's your last name
Chris-so are you still not going to tell me your age...
India-am 23....I think...
India-(shaking her head)were are we going...
Chris-by me... it big
Chris-well Yh I guess...I don't think so but you might..
India-am sure it is...

We talked some more in tell we stop and everyone was getting out...he got up and grab my hand once again...and we walked out with him in the front....all of his friends got in there cars and said there goodbyes and drove off and me and Chris went in his hug house....I just was looking around...

Chris-come on am gone show you your room...

I followed him up stairs and he open the room door and we walked mouth flied open and I didn't no what to say...

Chris-no hungry..
India-ummm good..
Chris-you sure
Chris-well am gone leave you in peace to un pack..

I un pack some of my stuff and put it in my walk in closet which I was admiring....then it just went pitch black...I didn't no what to do...I was scared...I couldn't even fine my way out the closet...then I heard Chris voice and I started calling him...

Chris-were you at
India-in the closet...I don't no we're am going
Chris-just stop...ill find you

I didn't listen..I kept bucking up to stuff and walking then I felt a hard chest....I smiled to my self..

India-I guess you found me..
Chris-nah ya asks just don't listen(pick her up)

He left me up and throw me over his shoulder...and started to walked while I screamed...and then he threw me on the bed...

India-you no you could be mean some times
Chris-next time listen..
India-what happened to the lights...
Chris-they went's not the first time...I gat to get it fix...
India-so we gone be with out lights for the hold night
Chris-nah...they gone turn it on...with the generator..
Chris-well now we don't have nothing to could give me that dance you promised
India-(laughing)I didn't promise nothing....and you don't have a pole
Chris-actually I do....

We got up and walked down was dark out side but not that dark in side....we walked in this room which did have a pole and some couches and a big mirror..I walked up to the pole...and he sat down...then the lights came back on...

India-should we call this a private show..
Chris-yh...but don't for get my name is daddy....
India-what if I don't call you it(sexually said)
Chris-then you get punish(said roughly but sexual)
India-you no am not your sex slave right
Chris-nah...your not...but you could be(biting his lips)

He said that while looking at me up and down really slow that acually made my panties a little wet....he press the button and his song started playing...beg for it....and I started to dance and do some tricks on the pole...I was up side down and I looked at he was lean over looking with his head turned...I got back up and started to go on the floor and crawl over to him in on the couch....

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